Chapter 27

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Scarlett couldn't believe her eyes.

She couldn't believe that she had actually found her sister. Holly was yelling and screaming at Scarlett and Ben, the tape not quite helping her case at the moment, but she didn't stop.

Scarlett checked her phone, just in time to see the clock change from 10:59 to 11:00.

They were just in time.

Scarlett rushed into the room to free her sister. Holly kept shaking her head, but Scarlett was into much of a daze to see it.

"Oh my goodness, Holly you have no idea how scared I was." Scarlett panted, the true emotions she felt at the time not showing at all in her voice. Her fingers were working on the tape covering Holly's mouth first, trying to get it off without hurting her.

"It was getting so close and there were so many doors, I didn't think it wa-"

"Behind you!!" Holly screamed out, at the same time something pressed hard against the back of Scarlett's head.

"Well, well, well! Seems the tables have turned quite a bit, eh?"


I heard the door open, close and lock.

I heard the TV playing in the background, but the words were jumbled together.

I felt something soft beneath me, and I knew I was in a weird position.

Not to mention the weird fuzziness that took over my brain in an instant, and was now traveling all over my body.

It didn't hurt though. It was oddly comforting, in a way. Almost as if I'd been blessed.

But, something was wrong.

And I hated when things were wrong.

I opened my eyes, and everything was blurry.

But, I could clearly see the shape of what I hoped was a phone besides me.

I tried to grab it, but suddenly pain starting shooting around my whole body, making me freeze instantly.

After a while, I tried again. Over and over with the same result.

But, I was getting closer. I knew it.

I was able to see a bit clearer now. I reached out, and finally my hand grasped it.

It was my phone.

I swiped the screen, and hit the Emergency Call button. There was sweat beading on my forehead, but I couldn't afford to stop.

For I was so close.

After I was sure 50% it was ringing, I slowly brought the phone to my ear.

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