Chapter 1

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"Scarlett, I'm leaving!"

Scarlett jolts awake, blinking rapidly as she tries to remember what happened in the last few hours. Whether it was the memories of the night before, or her rude awakening, she couldn't say; all she knew was the more her mind cleared, the faster her mood dwindled down.


"I'm going with Barry for a while!"

Scarlett inwardly sighs, as she reluctantly gets out of bed to join Holly downstairs. Barry was an alright guy, but Scarlett never knew what her sister saw in him
However, when news came that they got engaged..

Let's just say, Scarlett decided early to forever hold her peace.

"Coming!" Scarlett sighed, stretching out the last of her sleep.

"Well hurry up, already! He's outside!!" Holly yelled up the stairs, seemingly thinking that rushing Scarlett that would make her come down the stairs faster.

It never really did, but Holly kept her hopes up.

"Hold your horses, I'm coming!! Jeez.." Scarlett quickly runs down the stairs, stopping in front of a very pissed off Holly.

Holly was around half a foot taller than Scarlett, with piercing brown eyes and black hair that stopped in the middle of her back. As for their relationship, they used to be really close. But, Holly's engagement caused caused to slowly drift apart.

"Lead the way, Warden." Scarlett said, gesturing towards the door impatiently.

With a sigh, Holly glared qy Scarlett -- who returned it, but with half the intensity -- before turning around and walking towards the door, opening it and looking back at her sister before speaking coldly.

"Don't wait up for me."

With that, she quickly walked out of the house, into Barry's car, slamming the car door behind her. As the car started up again, Scarlett half-heartedly waved, going unnoticed by the duo, before they drove away.

Rolling her eyes with a sigh, she quickly closed and locked the door, wandering towards the kitchen.

'Well, if I got the house to myself for a few hours, might as well make the most of it.', Scarlett thought with a small smile as she checks her phone again. 9:30 AM.

And a message from a group chat.

Jake❤️: Hey, we heard you had another nightmare.
J. Cass: Want us to come over? You know your dad won't mind.

She smiled. Jake and Juila always knew how to make her feel better.

'Wait, this was sent at 9 o'clock?' Scarlett's eyebrows furrowed.

'How did they even know that I-' Her thought was interrupted by a knock on the front door.

Still smiling, she quickly opened the door, thinking it was her friends.

"You guys didn't have to come here!"

"Well, I live here, so I thought I was welcome."

As Scarlett zeroed in on the face of the man at the door, she realized it was, in fact, not her friends.

But her father, Howard Anderson.

"Dad! You're home early!"

"No, I'm really not. You're just up early." Howard said cheerfully, quickly ruffling his daughters hair, much to Scarlett's dismay.

"Dad!!" Scarlett whined, fixing her hair with a slight pout of her lip.

Howard just chuckled, taking off his shoes.

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