Chapter 17

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"Now, you listen here, you little shit."

Scarlett's hand floated up towards her cheek as she stumbled back, feeling the anger in Barry's eyes piercing through her as he moved towards her.

"I would never do anything like that, especially to Samantha." Barry said, still advancing towards Scarlett.

She was still moving back when she tripped and making her fall back on the chair she was sitting in not too long ago.

Due of the force, her phone went flying, and it hit the floor with a dull thud, screen facing upwards.

She spared it a quick glance, and was able to read the text messages that was on the screen.

It was the most recent ones the made her gulp.

Jake : Letti???
Jake: Oh, screw it. We're coming over. Right now.
Jake ❤: And you better have a good reason for this.


"I might not have liked her, but I wouldn't do that to anyone." Barry's harsh tone broke her out of her thoughts as she grabbed her phone and ran to the other wall, hastily typing a reply.


Eh, they'll figure it out. Right?

"I didn't kill Samantha." Scarlett yelped as she found herself being cornered by Barry.

One of his arms was on either side of her, making escape seem impossible.

Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain in her right arm, followed by a tingling sensation.

'No, No, No!!' Scarlett thought frantically, having no choice but to look in Barry's eyes.

"I. Am. Innocent!!" Barry spat at her, his hand raising, probably to slap her once again.

She had one thing to say before chaos ensued.

"I'm sorry."

Scarlett's hand started to ache, but it didn't matter. She had a way to escape and she took it. She quickly ran away and opened the door.

"You fuckin' bitch." Scarlett barely heard Barry's curse before she was out the door.

She ran as fast as she could, her heart thumping in rhythm with her footsteps.



Scarlett turned around to find Jake and Juila looking at her in confusion.



Scarlett cut both of them off by running towards them and grabbing their hands and running back towards her house, dragging them with her.

"No time to explain!" Scarlett exclaimed desperately.

Even though she heard Juila and Jake both ranting behind her, she wasn't listening. All their words went in one ear and out the other, as all she was focused on was getting them out of danger.

It didn't hit her yet that they weren't being followed, and the feeling of a presence returning into her mind was quickly overwritten by her panic.


Once all of them had made inside, Scarlett quickly locked the door, walking towards the window looking left and right quickly to see if there was anyone near.

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