{c h a p t e r t h i r t y o n e - t h e m o v i n g o n }

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Chapter's Theme Song: In My Veins- Andrew Belle

Chapter Thirty One

-Kylie Smith-

"You kids just stick together okay? Since tomorrrow is Cole's birthday, we, the adults, will go in town today to buy some real food. I think we can all agree that no one deserves to eat rice with a fish on the side of their plate on their birthday, yeah?" Mr. Smith announced, clapping his hands together.

Oh yeah I think he does, Mr. Smith.

"But me want to go!" Eliot protested.

"No, honey. You stay here with Cole and Kylie. Mommy and Daddy will only be gone for a couple hours that's all," Mr. Smith picked his son up and placed him on his arm.

Babysitting Paul and Eliot? Oh please give me break.

"What do you think, Olivia?" Mr. Smith asked Mrs. Smith.

She let out a tired sigh. I mean they did plan this thing so they could get away from us and now one of her offspring wants to come along.

"Oh alright, but we need a babysitter along the way. Kylie will you please do me a favor and-"

"No, no!" Eliot interrupted, shaking his cute, curly hair. "Me want Paul!" He pointed his index finger at my brother, who was too engaged playing on his DS.

I breathed in relief. Instead of feeling offended that Eliot would prefer my impatient brother, I was relieved because I didn't wanna babysit at all. Forget the $20 per hours-thing, because I know that Mom will make me babysit for free.

Sucks to be you, Paul.

"That's it," Mom said in a stern voice as she strode over to Paul and snatched his DS away from his hands.

"But I was so close to hitting 1,000,000 coins!" Paul protested, standing up.

"You are going to babysit Eliot and that is final," Mom declared, sending a don't-talk-back look to my brother who had his mouth open and is about to protest some more.

"If he doesn't want to Nance, he doesn't have to. We're not forcing him," Mrs. Smith smiled politely.

"No, Olive, Paul insist. It's alright, and besides I don't want him spending this break on his phone. The whole purpose of going out here is to be electronic free and I will not tolerate disobedient kids. So as a punishment, I will hold on to your little PSP for the rest of the break," Mom said.

"For the last time, it's DS! PSP is so 2009 ago!" Paul yelled as he entered the van and slammed it shut, angrily.

"Ok-ay," Dad clapped his hands together. "I guess we'll get going on so we can get back as soon as we can."

I lazily watched the adults as they got in the van. Currently, I'm standing outside in my blue fuzzy pajamas, not caring what's going on. It's already 11 o'clock, but I still feel tired as hell. Paul's snoring kept me awake all night.

This doesn't make any sense. The drive from Seattle and Olympia is almost 6 hours total. They are really traveling back to buy food for that long?

A.) There is no refrigerator, so where are they supposed to store the food in to keep them from becoming stale?

B.) There is no "clean" counter where you can chop food on, just this dirty, moldy table where we've been eating on for the past three days. Eek.

Maybe I should've really said something to them. That 12 hour drive will really be a bummer if they come back and realize they're missing the essentials.

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