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Chapter's Theme Song: Save Your Heart by Mayday Parade

Chapter Forty Two

-Cole Anderson-

I've thought the answer over and over again.

Why isn't Al the right guy for it?

Fuck, her beautiful, crystal blue eyes waited for my answer with  mischievousness twinkling. Or was it the light reflecting to her face?

I can't take this anymore. I just can't.

I told myself that it isn't possible.

I told myself over and over again every night before I go to sleep that it's Erin. I love Erin.

It can't be possible.

But now, seeing her with another man, hell, I've never wanted to kill anyone as much as I wanted to kill Al.
I've never felt this jealous in my entire before. Even with Erin.

Listen to what your heart says, my brain whispered.

Shit, since when did I sound like Nicholas Sparks?!

I stared down at her. Tonight, she is the most beautiful girl I've ever laid my eyes on. I've never wanted anyone as much as I wanted Kylie.

I can't believe I've been blind all these years.

How did I not notice her beauty before?

Is it because of her feisty attitude and thick sarcasm that drove me away? Or the fact that she hides all that beautiful-shaped curves under baggy clothes?

Was I really under an illusion of adoring easy-to-get and your one-night-stand kind of girls?

Scrutinizing her face, I know that under all that bravery she put up, I see a fragile girl whom I've onced broke carelessly.

The memory of her devastatingly tear-stained face almost brought tears to my eyes. How could I have done that to her?

What on Earth was I even thinking?

For weeks, I finally found that one reason I oh-so buried on the back of my mind because of my fear that it's true.

I lied to myself about it over and over again in hopes of dissolving it. Isn't there a quoting that says, "A lie told often enough becomes the truth?"

All that matters is this moment right now.

When I look at her, everything else seems to disappear.

I finally found the answer I've been looking for.

"Because Kylie," I took a sharp intake of breath, "I'm the right guy for you."

Don't do it, Cole. It's a bad idea! You'll end up making things worse!

But I did.

That's right.

I kissed her.

It was all of the sudden, too, that it took me away.

All I remember is sandwiching my body with hers and devouring her lips passionately.

Fire spread through my whole body.

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