{ c h a p t e r f o u r - t h e 2 a.m. d r u n k e n i n t r u d e r }

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Dedicated to potterhead394 :) 

-Kylie Smith-

Thump, thump.

I woke up with a thud. Sweats rolled down my body, my heart beating fast.

My window was open, like literally openCold breeze infiltrate the room.  I recall locking it just before I go to bed...

The Ring, The Insidious, The Saw, The Conjuring, Annabelle, Ouija---

"No," I spoke. "There is no such thing as monsters and ghosts. I probably just forgot to lock it." I stood up and locked it shut. But I'm pretty sure that did lock it before Iwent to bed.

Suddenly, a hand was covering my mouth.

I screamed through its hand, making a Mmmmmmmm sound instead. An arm was wrapped around my front shoulders, so I stepped into the intruder's foot as hard as I can.

"Oww!" I whirled around quickly and leaned against the coffee table which is pressed up against the right corner. My hands gripped the edge of the table.

The figure that stood before me is nothing but a silhouette. I tried to make out it's face, I squinted my eyes better for a better look but nothing.

The intruder was hissing in pain and rubbing the spot that I've stepped on. I took advantage of his distraction and dialed 911.

"It's me, idiot!  Fuck, that fucking hurt." I was about to press Call when he spoke again. Upon hearing the voice more vividly, I instantly know who the intruder was. I dropped my phone and rushed over to him.

"Anderson! What the hell are you doing in my room?!" I half-yelled, half-whispered. My parents' room are only a couple rooms away and they won't be very happy to see a guy in my room, especially at two in the morning.

I flicked the lamp on, next to my bed and finally got a look of Cole.

His brown hair looks like a bird's nest, no offense to him, when his hair is always neatly messy; his eyes are tired and sleepy and the hollow of his cheekbones seemed to stood up more.

"Are you drunk?" He had sprawled himseld across my bed and I went by to sit next to him. "And get out of my bed." I  pushed his whole body with all of my strength, but he didn't move at all.

"What are you doing in my room?! It's 2 in the morning! Shouldn't you be like asleep or something?" I eventually gave up and laid next to him instead.

This is weird. Never had it crossed my mind that I would be laying in a bed with my star crossed enemy; with Cole Anderson.

"You're different." he said.

I looked at him from across. One of his arms is tucked under his head, using it as a pillow and staring at the ceiling.

"How so?" I asked curiously. I am different than more girls, I know that. I prefer burger over salad; horror over romance; sports over cheerleading; fries over guys.(Haha see what I did with the last one?) But hearing him say that makes me wonder how he think that way.

"You punch harder than a guy." was all he replied with. I was a bit disappointed when he didn't say anything after that anymore. Something intrigued inside me, that wants to know what he thinks of me.

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