{ c h a p t e r t h i r t e e n - t h e a w k w a r d r i d e }

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Chapter Thirteen unedited

-Kylie Smith- 

"What am I gonna wear..." I clicked my tongue together as my eyes scanned over my tiny closet. I'm debating whether I should wear this light blue skinny jeans with a black tight shirt that shows a bit of my stomach or a plaid skirt that's 2 inches above my knee with that shirt.

"You know what I'm wearing jeans," I finally made up my mind, grabbing the jeans from its hanger. It's like 40 degrees Fahrenheit outside and wearing a skirt in a freezing temperature doesn't sound very smart.

First, I took a shower(well I took showers twice a day. One before I head to school and one at night.) Next, I brushed my teeth and put on deodorant. Then I put on my clothes and tied my hair up in its usual high ponytail. For the final look, I just brushed a couple coats of mascara on my lashes to make them look more alive and applied lip balm on my chapped lips(eeks.)

Instead of changing in my room, ever since that stupid boyfriend of mine snuck in while I was taking my clothes off, let's just say even closing a curtain won't be enough to avoid his perverted-ness.

I don't know whether I should tell him about the truth about those bruises. Thankfully, they're gradually healing faster than I thought. I only apply the make up on my eyelids and cheeks and on my arm. I wear jeans anyways, it's not like anyone can see through my jeans.

Anyways speaking of telling him, maybe it's better if he doesn't know. I can't help but get this conscience that no matter how many times he tells me that he's liked me all along, he still dated Erin. Maybe he liked her too. I don't know.

I pulled out the weighing scale that's hidden under my closet. Sucking a deep breath and closing my eyes, I carefully stepped in.

113, it flashed.

Two pounds. I lost two pounds in three days.

I smiled happily. For the past couple days, all I've been eating is salad, I only eat lunch though. I skip breakfast and dinner. And yesterday, I... I didn't eat anything at all.

I wanna stop. Believe me, I really do wanna stop. But I can't stop. It's like I have

this crazy obsession of starving myself. I get a sick pleasure whenever I hear my stomach growling. Maybe... Maybe I'm insane.

But, there's a con to this disorder. Everyday, I feel so fatigue and tired and restless and sometimes even my vision plays tricks on me, you know. Or everything else would suddenly become blurry, like an unfocused camera. Therefore, due to lack of food, my head always feels like it's spinning and I'm required to sleep longer to ease the pain.

Gosh, I am such a mess.

I glanced at the clock on my table stand. 7:15. Great, it's time for me to head down. This is the time that Cole told me he'll pick me up every now and then.

In the mornings, it's just me downstairs. Paul is still sleeping(his school starts an hour later than mine) and Mom is still sleeping as well. I take advantage of their absence by skipping breakfast and not having to come up with a good ass excuse.

And everytime, they always believe me.

I slid on my Converse shoes and my red Adidas sweatshirt and sat on the living room just reading stories from Wattpad. I was literally in the middle of reading Must Date The Playboy, the part where Zach got jealous over Tori's friend, Nathan when Your Sexy BF sent you a message flashed on my screen.

Meet me at my place. We're going.

I rolled my eyes and chuckled at his contact name. When we were exchanging numbers, that's what he typed. Boys.

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