{ c h a p t e r f i v e - t h e a g r e e m e n t }

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Here's Chapter 5. Enjoy!  

Dedicated to the nonstop support from my amigo, BadQueenx :)

-Kylie Smith-

"Hmmm." I groaned sleepily. Half unconcious, I reached for a pillow. Expeting to get a seize of a soft, fluffy object, instead, when I seized that thing, it was a rocky, hard, muscular... 



In panic, I stood up so fast that my vision was filled with dots and my head feels like it's spinning. When my view became clearer, I looked at the person on the same bed as me. 

Images and flashbacks of what happened last night came rushing back to me. He snuck through my window like a creep, was intoxicated, on the same bed together...

Say what?! 

Laid on the same bed together?! How in the world did that---Why did I even---But we hate each other---What, why, when, how on Earth did I let him in? 

"I...I felt lonely."

An overwhelming feeling, like last night, squeezed my chest. I wanted to so badly wrap my arms around him and ask what's wrong but then he passed out. Wrong timing. When I decided to be nice, that's the time he freaking passed out. 

Well then, I guess fate is really trying to keep us apart. 

I snapped out of my thoughts when he moaned and rolled over.

"Wake up, moron!" I shook him vigorously. I almost lost myself again to stare at his peaceful, young face when his eyes fluttered open and his eyes bore directly on to mine.

My whole body froze.

I've seen him a million times. I've made eye contacts with him countless of times, but this time, why did my stomach knotted? I don't understand.

"Shit." he cursed and sat back up. "Ah, fuck." he clenched his jaw and closed his eyes, massaging his forehead. "My head is killing me."

"Good morning to you too," I said sourly. What did I expect him to do? Be friendly all of the sudden because of last night? No, don't be stupid, Kylie.

His eyes widened at the sight of me, as if I'm an exotic, hideous creature. "Kylie?!" he exclaimed, jumping off the bed. "What are you doing here?! Ohmygosh, please don't fucking tell me that we've slept together or I'm gonna fucking kill myself-"

"Shut up, will you?!" I snapped angrily. "First of all, this is my room you asshole. Remember you snuck in here last night at 2 in the freaking morning and for hell's sake, you were drunk! And might I add that you passed out on my bed and I couldn't wake you up? And second of all, sleeping with you is the last fucking thing that will ever happen. Get that through your pea sized brain, you dick." The words escaped before I could even think. Who does he think he is?! I was kind enough to not call the cops and let him stay and this is what he'll repay me?

"I did what?" he removed his hands from his head and is now facing me. "Are you  serious, Smith?" he asked with disbelief.

"As much as despicable and impossible as it sounds, it is 100% absolutely and utterly true, Anderson. You don't know how creepy that is. Please don't do that again or I might actually call 911 in the future." I backfired, furiously. 

"Did...Did I say anything embarrasing last night?" he asked with anxiety. 

"Do you believe in love, Smith?" 

The Bad Boy's PhobiaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ