{ c h a p t e r t w e l v e - t h e b a b y s i t t e r }

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Chapter Twelve

-Kylie Smith-

"I was right! I freakin' told you he liked you! Oh my gosh, you guys are dating! OH MY GOSH!!!" I winced as Brooke squeals loudly from the phone. "My little Kylie's growing up! Aww, I will always remember the day when you yelled 'Get away from me, you cootie monster!' at Carl Hannigan when he held your hand in first grade, she faked gasped, "oh memories."

"It's not like we're getting married or anything. We're only dating! Plus, we've come to agreement that nothing will change between us. We'll still tease and taunt each other. I'll still call him by my last name; no babe or baby or any nicknames like that. We're sticking to Smith and Anderson calling. The only thing that have change is probably our relationship. We've moved from enemies, to frenemies, to yay we're dating," I squeaked sarcastically. "But the way we treat each other is one thing that won't change."

I told Brooke every detail for what happened and why I was called down. She didn't cut me off, just gasp here and there in the middle of my sentence which I'm grateful for because she has this habit of interrupting you while you're story-telling that often times she comments and asks questions that you forget what you were saying.

"Kylie!" I heard my Mom calling my name. "Kylie!"

"Mooooommmmm! I'm talking to Brooke!" I clutched my phone closer to my ear, trying to remember what Brooke is saying before Mom interrupted me. "Anyways, you were saying?"

"---are you really gonna try out for that cheerleading thingy next week?" she sighed skeptically. "But, no offense Ky, I love you, but you can't dance for goodness sake! How are you gonna dance in front of all these people without looking like a chicken?! A chicken with a broken leg?!"

"Relax, I've got it all planned out," I replied smugly. "I'll look up some tutorials on YouTube. See, aren't I a genius?" Okay that may not be the most brilliant step I have planned out but hey at least I thought of something...

"You know what, I'm starting to side with tell-an-adult-instead because sorry but your plan sucks so far,"

"Whatever, I told you a million times that I will do this myself. I'm also so sick and tired of her acting like a queen and treating people like shit. So I'm gonna teach her a lesson so she knows what it feels like. I'm not doing this just for me, I'm also doing this in the name of all the people she bullied." Totally irrelevant but I feel like Katniss Everdeen right now starting a revolution. Hehe.

"Kylie, get off the phone and get your butt here right now!" Mom yelled from downstairs for the third time.

I groaned lazily. "Gotta go," then hung up after she bid me goodbye as well.

"Yeahhhh?" I continuously groan as I strode downstairs to signal her that whatever it is she asks me to do, my answer is short: No. Is it just me or can every single living teenager here in this planet relate?

"Hey sweetie," Mom smiled sweetly as she pounds on the dough with a rolling thingy you use to flatten dough. I cannot pass for a wife tbh. I don't even know what it's---wait, I remember what it's called! It's a rolling pin!

I know that smile too well. She gives you that smile when she wants something from you and chances are, you don't wanna do it. "Spill, Mom. What is it?" I pretended to look impatient and angry.

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