{ c h a p t e r f o r t y - t h e m a y o r ' s b a l l }

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Chapter's Theme Song: Between- Courrier

Chapter Forty

-Cole Anderson-

My peaceful sleep was ruined when my Mom barged into my room with a loud voice singing, "Wake up, sleepy head! We have a long night ahead of us! Get ready right now, Mister!" She clapped her hands together with ebullience dancing in her eyes.

I groaned sleepily and rolled over, pulling the blanket closer to me. "Mom, it's Saturday. Get out," I murmured. I heard footsteps slowly becoming inaudible. Just as I thought she left me in peace, I felt my blanket yanked off me and icy water splashing my face.

"What the fu-!" I almost cursed, jumping up, now awakened.

"Mister, there will be no cussing in the house!" Mom scolded. "But anyways, that's how what I came here for," she dismissed the topic quickly. "I came here to tell you that we've been invited to the Mayor's annual ball."

"You mean, we've been invited by Erin's family?" I awkwardly asked.

"Right... Our mayor is your ex's dad..." Mom's enthusiasm decreased. "If you don't wanna go, I'm not forcing you to. Besides, you have Kylie as your girlfriend."

At the mention of her name, my ears perked up. "Mom," I scratched my ears with embarrassment. "Kylie and I broke up too."

Mom's jaw dropped. She covered her mouth with her hands and eyes open wide. "Oh, I'm sorry, honey. Did it just happen recently?"

"Um, no, Mom. We broke up right before the winter break, remember?"

"What?! And we left you all alone for almost the entire day! Why didn't you say so, honey?"

"Things weren't so tensed back then."

Mom clicked her tongue together. "I can't believe my son dated a Smith and a Maliek," she mumbled under her breath. She's probably thinking what a player of a son she created.

"I know, Mom, and I'm not proud of it," I said defensively. "Is Kylie going to be there?" I asked quietly, shooting a glance at my window to make sure it's close.

"Ah, you're over that witch, I see," Mom response with amusement. "Remember you were head over heels for her, now, you're all about Kylie."

"Mom!" I protested. "No, it's nothing like that. I was just asking. But what kind of a question is that anyways? Of course she'll be present, Mayor Maliek is her uncle. And witch? Really?"

"I didn't say anything...not factual," Mom innocently put her hands up. "It's 6 o'clock, honey. The party starts at 7. Chap chap!" She exited out of my room, slamming the door behind her.

Did I mention that for the whole day I've been playing video games, eating junk foods, and sleeping? Spring is around the corner and my curtains were closed the whole day making my room looked dim and depressed.

That's not it, I don't want to face Kylie. Obviously.

With a lazy groan, I jumped back to the bed.


It took me less than 20 minutes to prepare overall. I showered for 5 minutes, brush my teeth, apply deodorant, put on the only tuxedo I own, reserved for formal parties only, and then fixed my hair , which is swept to the right side with a quiff. Then, I sprayed Axe all over my body for the finishing touch.

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