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Chapter's Theme Song: Concrete Angel by Christina Novelli

Chapter Thirty Five

-Cole Anderson-

How lovely would it be if it were already summer.

Only 4 more months away till summer.


I watched the raindrops rolled off the windows while I don't pay attention to Mrs. Greg's lesson about STD. I already know everything about STD.

Might I remind everyone that I slept with almost every girl in our school? I learned how to dodge that disease.

Coming back to school felt weird. It was a New Year but it didn't felt like it.

Actually, I can feel like something has changed.

One, the letter that I wrote to Erin, that took me nights to complete it, had mysteriously gone missing. The last time I checked, it was in my drawer thingy in my car. I was going to give it to her before break, but I forgot. So when we came back, I reminded myself to slip it into her locker. But oh yeah, I lost it!

I really hope I didn't accidentally bring it into my backpack and randomly dropped it somewhere. It would be a horror if someone else. read it.

Two, Kylie and I were actually doing great. We still do the 'jerk, asshole, bitch, dick' name calling, but it's mostly teasing. I like that it's like our little inside jokes.

I smiled at the memory.

I missed the way her arms were around me while we slept through the night. I found comfort in her soothing words and in her blue eyes.

Just like Erin's.

I think I might've developed something with Kylie, but I'm not sure yet. And I don't think I'm ready to even admit it to myself yet.

I dated her for Erin. I constantly have to remind myself that.

I don't want this feeling to grow. I have to keep on telling myself that she means nothing to me.

Three, I'm starting to see Erin around more. When we broke up, I barely saw her at school, because she was trying her best to ignore me. But now, she would keep on passing by me and pretending to get something as an excuse to look at me. I feel her daggers behind my head.

So, yeah. My New Year's so far is doing great.

I hadn't even realized that the bell had already rung.

"Homework is to read Chapter 15 through 24. Have a great day!" Mrs. Greg chirped, probably happy to see us leave.

I packed my binders and headed towards the doorway. I was mentally picturing of a banana for some unquestionable reason when someone crashed against my chest, sending my books flying in the air.

"Watch where you're going, you hear me?"

That voice that I hadn't heard in weeks.

"Maybe it's you who should watch where she's going," I snapped back at her attitude.

She stood in front of me with a horrified expression upon realizing who she just crashed into. Her blonde hair neatly fell to her shoulders flawlessly and her lips looked so tempting and seductive. She wears a white crop top sweater that shows a little bit of her flat stomach that any girl would kill for, pairing it up with an aqua-colored skinny jeans.

"Cole?" She inhaled sharply.


I don't know how long we stood there, staring at each other with out mouth open. It's like I'm one of those chick-flick, cheesy romantic cliché movies. Nobody spoke.

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