{ c h a p t e r e i g h t - t h e m y s t e r y h e r o }

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Chapter Eight


-Kylie Smith-

The sound of something dripping drip drip drip and the pain knocking off my breath from my chest caused me to jolt awake.

My head feels like it's spinning and dots swirled my sight.

"Ugh." I moaned and closed my eyes for a brief moment, steadying myself. I fluttered my eyes open again and the surroundings were...not my room.

My eyes traveled on the IV that's hooked on my arm. My breath hitched when I lifted my shirt up and  fresh, humongous purple bruises were embedded on my stomach, covering nearly my entire abdomen.

A guy was peacefully sleeping in a chair across from me. His light snores filled the quietness of the room, his mouth slightly open, but thankfully not drooling. He has a disheveled light blonde hair, and jawlines on point. (Hehe.) I can already tell that this guy is even 100 more times attractive when he's awake.

#creepalert #me

"Oh, you're awake." that voice. Oh that voice that rescued me on my worse times. Butterflies---wait, no---more like the whole zoo-- erupted in my stomach.

"Hey, you're alright. I'm not going to hurt you." Worried flashed on his eyes and rushed over to my side.

"Um..." I probably looked like a jock seeing a boob for the next time. Way to be a retard, Kylie. Wooh, keep on doing it.

Sitting down cautiously on the bed, leaving a smaller distance between us, he spoke again. "My friend, Kai and I---we um found you in the girls' bathroom, beaten up and you were unconcious..." he explained, rubbing the back of his neck. "You were bleeding and you had bruises and cuts all over you. For a second we thought you were um..." Dead. I knew he wanted to say that but he looks restrained and is trying to be as gentle as possible. It's like he's a high school teacher trying to teach an 8 year old kid of how to find isolate the y in an algebraic equation.

Flashbacks and memories came flooding back in. Erin's words, the tight grips on my arms, kicks on my ribs, punches on my face...

"What's the date today?" I asked with panic growing in my chest. What if I've passed out for 2 days? My Mom and Dad must be so worried about me right now! I have to get home NOW!

"You've been almost asleep for just a couple of hours actually..." he looked suprised upon hearing me speak.

I sighed in relief. Twohours only! Thank god I didn't sleep for days! "Thank you so much for your kindness and help..." I gazed at him softly, indicating for him to tell me his name.

"Alejandro." He grinned, all his white, perfect lined teeth exposing.

"Alejandro." I echoed with a smile lingering on my lips. It feels so weird due to the big bruise planted on my cheeks. "I'm Kylie." I extended a hand shake.

He shook it with hesitating. "Are you feeling better now, Kylie?" he asked with worried in his eyes.

"Yes, thank you." I lied, ignoring the heavy pressure in my ribs, just where my heart is. "Thank you so much for everything again, I must get home now. What time is it anyways?"

"A quarter to three." He checked his wristwatch. Not that late.

"May I use your phone please? I'm calling my best friend."

He gave me a confused look. "Shouldn't you inform your parents about this instead?"

I sighed sharply. "No, that's why I have to call my best friend about it. So I could explain to her what happened and help me buy those make ups---foundations and concealer----I think that's what it's called to conceal my bruises. That's the thing, I don't want my parents to see me like this." Certainly not my parents. I don't wanna create a family feud. That doesn't mean that I won't avenge though. I will find my way to get my revenge without involving our  family in this. I won't let her destroy our family relationship because of her.

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