Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

I was watching a news story about a girl from Oklahoma that went missing a while back when I heard Clare come downstairs. Since the news didn't really piss me off, Clare had to come down and do the job. Because guys, if you hadn't noticed, she is a real bitch.

"Where is Luke at?" She asked, her voice polite in case he was in hearing range.

"A whore house," I said and rolled my eyes, looking up at her from where I sat on the couch. "Where do you think? He's cooking you breakfast because you never learned. Because I was the one that was made to do it prior to you finding a blind husband."

Looking at her too perfect hair so early in the morning, her too perfect complexion, and her eyes bright and wide awake... ugh, just pisses me off even more. In the morning, you are suppose to look ugly. That's God's rule at what happens when you wake up. Of course, she probably sold her soul to have the privilege of her good looks this time of day.

She rolled her eyes, not saying anything else as she walked off towards the kitchen, leaving my sight and I could hear them murmuring over something. But a second later, I saw Luke walk into my sight from the kitchen. Glancing up to him, I saw he only paused for a moment to meet my eyes as he beckoned me to stand and follow him. It's been such a common thing, a daily occurrence, I didn't need to think twice.

Following him into the bathroom down the hall, he flicked the light on as I closed the door behind us. In the small space, he came to face me like he did every morning. This bathroom downstairs, the one we were in now, was much smaller than the two upstairs so you can imagine how comfortable that made us.

"Here," he said, placing the small pill in my hand.

The awkwardness that was present in this situation came everyday so by now it had somewhat faded, thankfully. Everyday this happened and it gave me a reminder at how he was a great guy, for letting me flush the daily pill down the shitter. It was something that I was glad he let me do; yet, it made him incredibly guilty I knew. You could see it in the darkened green of his sorrow-filled eyes.

When he looked away from me in an obvious manner, I dropped the pill in the toilet and flushed it. Luke looking back to me, twisted the cap of my pills back on and put them in his pocket to put away until tomorrow when we would once again repeat what we just did. What I saw as a favor and what he saw as a type of betrayal.

"Hey, I want to ask you something," he said a second later.

"Then ask," I murmured, leaning back against the counter as I faced him in that small space. I'm telling you, it just wasn't healthy for me to be this close to him. Especially when I wanted him more and more as each day past. Yes, I know he was being an ass in a way for how strange he has been acting around me. I know he had to stay loyal to Clare. But honestly... that's why I think I was falling in love with him. Because he kept trying and trying and showing how committed he was. If he gave up on Clare quickly, then what kind of husband would he be? It was sad because I wanted him far away from her since seeing them together still... it hurt. But it would also hurt if he left her because then it would show his loyalty and commitment didn't run too deep. So honestly, that just made me a mess of strange feelings I had for him. But I guess I always was kind of a mess.

His scorching eyes seemed to want more than what he was asking; his words didn't do justice. My heart was still spinning, nonetheless. "There is this annual fair going on about an hour away. It's a really big event. Uh, they have one every year at the end of the summer so... I was wondering if you wanted to go. Like I said, it's a ways away so I doubt many people would know of or recognize you as much as they would here."

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