~ Heehoonki ~

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Ni-ki POV:

      It has been one month since I have started to look for a job. My money is running short, and I am really depending on the interview for an assistant position I had last weekend to hire me. I haven't met my maybe-future-boss yet, because he was busy, but I was interviewed with someone else. 

      I realized after my parents said that I had to find my own job that paying for everything is hard. Living is really expensive. Despite graduating college a few months ago with some of the best grades, it is hard to find a decent job. Everything is full, or the jobs do not pay well. 

      I heard a ding from my phone. I checked my inbox, nearly screaming in happiness when the words "YOU HAVE BEEN HIRED" was in the letter. I would start work on Monday, and today is Sunday. I'll get up early so I can figure out the building and where everything was. I ran to my best friend (aka: my roommate, emotional support, and sassy teddy bear), jumping around in excitement.

      "Sunoo-hyung, guess what, guess what! I got the job!" I screamed in his face, but he just looked at me as if I were a disgusting piece of trash off the side of the road.

      "Great, now I won't be paying the whole apartment bill. Now get out of my face you b*tch, you're spitting on me." he sassed right back, and I pouted, crossing my arms. "And stop pouting, you look ugly as f*ck." he told me, not even glancing up from his computer. 

      That shorty. He was always telling me not to curse and then here he was, spitting out cuss words like a machine. I stalked out of that room as quickly, purposely making sure to slam the door, which I knew triggered hyung. And soon after, I heard a muffled shout of annoyance. I snickered under my breath. He deserved it. 

      Clicking on a phone number that has been called many times, another sassy voice filled my ears. "What do you want Ni-ki?" it asked, sounding very irritated.

      "Wonie-hyung, I got a job! Could you help me choose what to wear, what to bring, and everything else?" I pleaded over the phone, hearing an, "Aish, fine you baby." before he hung up. Minutes later my second cutie savage hyung hopped out of his boyfriend's car after giving him a kiss.

      Eww. Couple things.

      I heard someone stomping up the stairs and then a sheep jumped on top of me, knocking my body towards the ground. We both fell as he started to hit me, shouting, "Why did you tell me to come when you have a perfectly good roommate Sunoo hyung!" but I just grinned. How classic of him. My two favorite hyungs were partners in crime against me, but also hated each other's guts. 

      "Anyways, what job is it? Is your boss hot!" he asked excitedly. Man, he was more enthusiastic about my boss than I was, even though he had a perfect boyfriend that took great care of him. 

      "The job is personal assistant position at Lee's Fashion, some fancy clothing company or something. And I don't know." I told him, rolling my eyes. 

      "That's kind of sad. If you don't want him, can I have him?" he asked, giving me some big boba eyes.

      "First of all, you don't know if my boss is going to be a male. Second, you have a great boyfriend. What is wrong with you?" I scolded him. Poor Jay-hyung, Jungwon is probably cheating on him. 

      "Well anyways, since it is an assistant position, I think I brought the right outfit!" he beamed at me, but I saw a glint of naughtiness in his eyes. And then I realized why. He took out an anime girl maid costume to wear and then told me to go put it on. 

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