~ Sookai ~

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Request by: shakuntalasaini

Sorry if you don't like it... I'm not that great at writing fluff 😔 But I tried my best to make sure you would like it.

Huening Kai shivered in the cold night, despite being surrounded by huge, plush stuffed animals and huddled in a blanket. All he wanted was his Binnie-hyung to come back and hug him while watching some kid cartoons until they fell asleep, but Soobin was working late today. Seconds passed. They turned into minutes. Soon, the minutes turned into an hour. Huening Kai could feel desperate tears slide down his cheeks, thinking that his boyfriend had forgotten him.

"Bin-hyung, please come back s-soon." he whispered, his voice cracking at the end. He heard the door open and sprang out of bed despite the chilliness in the air and ran to the door while hugging a stuffed bear named Beomgyu, or Beomie.

"Hi Hyuka, I'm back. Why aren't you asleep?" Soobin said softly. "Why were you crying?" he asked, kissing away the tears on Huening Kai's cheeks while hugging him.

"Because I th-thought you would-wouldn't c-come home an-and see me." he sobbed, hugging Soobin's tall frame as tightly as he could. The older just pat his back lightly and comforted him.

"Baby, I would never leave you. I just had to go pick these up for you." Soobin said, his gentle voice reaching Huening Kai's ears. It was only until then did he realize what Soobin was holding.

"PluShIEs!" Hyuka squealed, suddenly in a better mood. Soobin nodded and handed him a bunny one.

"Hey. It looks like you hyung." Kai giggled. The described one just rolled his eyes and smiled. "Do you want to watch a movie?" Soobin asked.

"Yes!" And with that, they went to the living room and cuddled on the couch, watching a cute cartoon. Kai climbed on top of Soobin and hugged him, pressing his cheek against the other's. Soobin leaned up and planted a small kiss on his lips.

"Hyuka, it's getting late. We need to go to sleep." Soobin said, causing him to pout but nonetheless jumping on his back when the TV was shut off, waiting for Soobin to carry him to the bathroom. He brushed his teeth and then got into his bed once again. His boyfriend emerged from the shower a few minutes later, wearing a soft, plain shirt and shorts.

"Hyung, come here." Kai said, making grabby hands at Soobin. The latter slipped in the bed and was immediately engulfed in a warm hug, his chin resting above the younger's. Huening Kai snuggled into Soobin's chest, nothing but a stuffed animal between them.

"You won't ever leave me, right Binnie?" he asked, looking up with huge eyes.

"Shh, I promise I will always be here." the reply came.

"You pinkie promise that you won't be like him?" Kai said, holding up his pinkie finger.

"I promise I won't." Soobin smiled softly, wrapping his pinkie around the other's.

"Okay." Kai mumbled before drifting off to sleep.

"Binnie-hyungggggggggg! Wake up!" Kai shouted in the sleeping bunny's ear for the ten thousandth time, shaking him violently. The older just groaned and turned around, unbothered. Eventually, however, Soobin became so irritated that he just pulled Kai into the bed.

"Hyuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggg, get out of bed! Let go!" Huening Kai said, struggling to free himself from the other's strong grip.

"You have to wash up!" he said.

"Can you come with me then?" Soobin asked.

"Sure." Huening Kai said, and they both got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. "Can we have bubbles?" he questioned excitedly, hugging Soobin tightly when he consented. They filled the bathtub and got in. The pair knew other people found this behavior presumptuous, but they did bathe with each other. It was one of the ways of showing affection.

"Bin-hyung, stop splashing me." Huening Kai giggled, pushed the water towards Soobin.

"Sorryyyyyyyyy." he said before splashing him once again.

"Hey! Stop it!" Huening Kai protested.

"Stop what?" Soobin asked, pretending to be an innocent bunny.

"STOP SPLASHING ME!" he screamed before taking the duck-shaped sponge and hitting his hyung with it.

"Owww. Okay sorry, sorry." Soobin said, pouting and they both washed themselves.

"Thank god we don't have school today." Huening Kai said, flopping on the couch.

"But I have my work shift starting in two hours, Hyuka." Soobin reminded him before plopping himself on top of the other.

"Whatever. We still have two hours." he said, dismissing the reminder. He was glad that he got a few hours with his boyfriend. "I love you hyung."

"I love you more, Hyuka!" Soobin said before pampering the younger with kisses.

"Stop it tickles!"

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