Spending time with the bois and gals

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(y/n)'s POV:

After that whole ordeal with my cats and Jason. As well as also having a short mental crisis upon realizing that 22 people now knows my secret.

For the following couple of days, I thought hard what I should do to take care 22 cats, now human, altogether.

Since they've became bigger, they end up taking up a lot of spaces and so sleeping also became a problem. Well, mostly for the boys, since they let the girls take my dad's room, so now all that is left is the couch to which they literally almost caused a brawl over if it wasn't for me threatening to kick them out. They settled with rock paper and scissors.

The victor of the game was Sanzu, since he played mind game with them. Althought they do eventually agree to switch according from those who last the longest all the way to the ones who fell short midway or early on.

Food is somewhat of a problem as well. The good news is that they can still eat cat food, I don't know how that works but apparently they can. Even if they can still eat cat food, it doesn't change the fact that they're now bigger, therefore having a bigger appetite. Especially Mikey, who's now taking his new form to coax me into giving him more food.

All of this problems comes back to money. Money for food, clothes, rent, etc. I wanted them to get a job since there's now way in hell I'm capable of paying all these shit by myself but I eventually changed my mind since they still have ears and a tail, and we can't have that in work. I did think of taking them out sometime later, I'm sure they already bored of being confine in this tiny ass apartment. Plus Rindou and Kisaki needed glasses.

Honestly thought, the weird part was that they told me, "Don't worry about it (y/n)-chin!~" Like Mikey, buddy, how should I not worry about money?

Besides mulling over money, I have another problem at hand. They're.......
They're..... all so fucking pretty. Like what in the actual fuck. Their pretty faces doesn't help me get accustomed to them and also since I was so used to them being cats for a long time, I would literally get startled even if their way of making themselves known was innocent.

So yeah........*sigh*

Anyways, back to the present.

I sat by my desk as I continue on working on my new web shooters while listening music through my earphones as I would lightly bob my head to the beat. As I vibe in my own little world, I felt a sudden weight on my shoulder, I mindlessly reach a hand up and pet my cat as I then turn my head to kiss them on their cheek and then turn back to work.

It doesn't take long before my eyes widen as I realize that I no longer have cats and that I actually just kissed someone on the cheek. I turned my head over to whoever I had kissed and came face to face with Kisaki. I nervously laugh in embarrassment, "Hey there buddy." he hums in acknowledgement.

Fortunately enough for me, their behaviour wasn't all that different even when they were cats, they only key difference now is that they can better express themselves. I tried to avoid treating them like house pet but they insisted that they don't mind it at all.

He lift his chin off my shoulder and lean over to squint at my web shooters, "How's it coming along so far?" A small smile break itself on my face,"I'm almost done with its construction, after that, all that is left is to program it." I said as I brought one of the shooter closer to the both of us, so he could have an easier time seeing. "Aren't you worry that if someone get their hands on it they could also use it?" his question suddenly made me think. He was technically not wrong. "Hmm, I never considered that since I always kept them with me at all time but now that you mentioned it. Maybe I should take it into further consideration." I said with a hand under my chin. He then points at something while still squinting, "What's this?"

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