Ch.11 ~ Do I Make You Nervous?

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Y/n's POV

After lunch yesterday Bella and I spent the evening talking about what had happened between her and Edward out in the woods. She described their sunlight touched skin as diamonds however Edward had called it the skin of a killer.

She spoke of how she was unconditionally in love with this boy telling me how Edward had said it was like a lion had fallen in love with a lamb. I was happy the two had finally sorted out their issues.

That night as I laid in bed I'd imagined what it would be like to see Carlisle in the sunlight. 'Would his skin shine as beautifully as Bella had described Edwards? Would it enchant me with the same beauty Rosalie's trait did the first time I saw her? Would I fall for the man more than I already had?'

I fell into the oblivion of sleep with the last thought lingering. 'Love. Could I truly experience such a thing with my flaws?'

The next morning I was surprised to find out that Bella would be riding to school with Edward and that Jasper and Emmett would be around to pick me up. I wasn't going to complain, I rather enjoyed the idea of turning up to school with them. I already got enough attention as it was just for hanging out with them.

Besides it's most likely no one would notice since Bella and Edward would turn up together. It'll be a sight to witness how Bella handles the attention.

8am rolled around and the sound of a car horn outside and the familiar yell of two deep voices told me that my ride was here. Running outside I jumped in the back of the truck with Emmett and tapped the roof to let Jasper know we were good to go.

Emmett and I talked the enter ride to school with Jasper occasionally saying something that Emmett would convey due to their super hearing. It was really fun though I yelled slightly when Jasper made a speedy sharp turn into the school and stumbled slightly thanks to the annoying brace still on my leg.

I caught myself, Emmett and Jasper laughing at my clumsiness to which I just rolled my eyes. We pulled up alongside the girls who greeted us as I handed Alice my bag while I used Jaspers and Emmett's shoulders to hold onto while I jumped out the truck.

Obviously I wouldn't have done that usually but with my still sprained leg and wounded hip I still had to be careful. Emmett of course had tried to lift me out but my stubborn pride and ego refused his help.

We were chatting away lent up against the vehicles when the lot fell quiet for a moment before the sound of gossip began again and that's how I knew Bella was here. I watched with a proud yet mocking smirk as my little sister made her way through the car park with Edward draping an arm around her shoulders.

She was muttering something I couldn't hear to Edward who responded but then shrugged his shoulders which had me curious, something I'd be asking her about later. The two of us made eye contact and she sent a scowled my way due to the smirk plastered on my face.

Pulling my gaze away I saw the glare Rosalie had directed at my sister, something I had often noticed and something I would soon have to ask her about.

"So anyway now that's shows over. Y/n our dad asked us to give you this." Alice said, handing me a piece of folded paper. I take it from her with my brows raised in confusion. I unfolded the paper and saw eleven numbers written neatly in a line.

I let out a nervous cough as I looked over at her. "Any particular reason as to why he's giving me his number?" I question.

"He wants to take you out some time." Rose replies with a smile as I look blankly at her then the others.

"Right." I say dragging the I.

"What's wrong?" Jasper ask clearly feeling my mixed emotions

"Hmm?" I look up at him before shuffling and putting the folded piece of paper and my Jean pocket. "Won't it be weird?" I ask the others who understood what I meant.

The Angry Swan ~ Carlisle Cullen x ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu