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Y/n's POV

March 18th, the weeks since my birthday and meeting the pack had passed by within the blink of an eye. Every night I glance out my window and see a pair of glowing eye belonging to one of the wolves watching over the house while the others chase Victoria away.

Bella was alone again with the wolves being busy and the Cullens gone. I was spending more time alone, isolated in my room, some days missing school. I don't know why but it was like my mood had done a sudden 360 since seeing the apparitions of Carlisle.

Charlie's still out hunting the wolves who're hunting Victoria. Jacob has been sending me messages to tell me how close she's been getting. One night she was able to get close enough to the house that Jared had to chase her off when he smelt her.

'Sarah do you think there will ever be a time where Bella and I aren't in danger. Since coming into this world of vampires and wolves it seems that's all our lives revolve around... I miss the times where all I had to worry about was when my next breakdown would be.'

I sighed at my thoughts, sitting up from my bed as I walked over to my wardrobe mirror. I lifted my shirt to see my scars healed over. I traced them with my fingers as I thought back to the day I got them, when I had them cut back open and stitched up and lastly to when some sadistic vampire licked them.

'I guess so long as we are human we're never safe.' I sighed as I tucked my shirt back into my grey jeans. I wore a simple outfit consisting of grey jeans, short sleeved black top with some writing on the front and my blue plaid jumper wrapped around my waist.

I went down stairs for a glass of apple juice and toast. I had heard Bella leave the house about ten minutes ago. I had no idea where she was going but knew she'd leave a note on the fridge, she always did, even if she was just popping to the shops.

I made my way to the fridge to grab the cold carton of apple juice when my hand froze before touching the handle. I looked at the note addressed to me on the fridge with wide eyes.

I pulled my phone out as I grabbed my helmet off the side and ran outside. I got to my bike as the number I clicked on began to dial.

"Come on, come on, come on, Jake." I anxiously said as the phone continued to ring but no one picked up. I cursed under my breath when the voicemail of Jacobs' phone answered.

"This is Jake, leave a message after the beep."

"Jacob, get the hell down to La push beach right now. Don't question me, just do it." I said, panicked over the phone, hanging up. I shoved it in my pocket and slipped my helmet on. Kicking my bike into gear I took off towards La Push beach praying I got there on time.

When I pulled up onto the stretch of road which overlooked the beach I could already see Bella emerging from the forest and onto the cliff. I cursed and drove to the end of the road finding her truck and parking behind it.

I threw my helmet and phone into the tail of the truck then went sprinting through the trees. I huffed heavily and tripped over my feet several times as I ran uphill to the top. I skidded to a stop at the edge of the cliff, Bella having already jumped. Looking down I see my sister being dragged under by the aggressive waves.


Bella's POV

'Alice, I'm all right. Until I'm alone. And lately, that's all the time. Jacobs gone, he's hunting Victoria. And Charlie's hunting Jacob. And you're gone. And so is Edward. And there's just nothing now.' I thought as I left my room.

I headed down stairs and left a note for Y/n telling her I was going to the cliffs of La Push. I knew she'd try to stop me which is why I opted not to tell her even if she's upstairs.

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