Ch.28 ~ Everythings Gone

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A/N: Just a quick message for my Harry Potter Fans. I now have a Older Remus Lupin x Reader Book so if your interested head over to my page and give it a read... Anyway moving on... Enjoy this chapter


Y/n's POV

It was a Monday. The rain was once again pouring over the small town of Forks. All weekend I hadn't been able to shake this feeling of emptiness. This void which continued to hover over me made me feel suffocated. It was like I wanted to scream and shout and cry out for help. But something was stopping me. An invisible force catching my voice in my throat.

I had started taking my meds again in hopes to shake this feeling. I was only two days back on them and I hadn't felt this shit since... they left. Being in school and back on my meds I found everything a lot less annoying yet I was still overcome by an urge to cause some havoc and do something impulsive which usually I would have if it wasn't for this foreign feeling.

By lunch time I was completely out of it lost in my own crumbling emotions that I hadn't realised Bella had ditched me at the old Cullens table to go sit with her other friends. That was until I heard someone calling my name. My head snapped up a gasp leaving my lips and eyes widening as I was pulled back into reality from laying victim to the depths of my thoughts.

"Y/n!" I turned around and saw Bella was the one to call out to me, from beside Mike. I got up from my seat dragging my bag and helmet with me as I pulled my hood down. I sat in the empty seat between Bella and Jessica practically slumping down and dropping my things on the floor.

I pulled my sleeves over my hands before crossing my arms. "Yeah?" I asked in a voice barely above a whisper.

"You wanna come watch Face Punch with us?" She asked, eyeing me suspiciously.

"Uh... sure." I replied, staring down at my feet. I could feel everyone's eyes on me so I looked up. The second I did, everyone went back to talking.

"Hey you okay?" Bella leant back over to whisper to me.

"Yeah... just back on my meds." I replied, sending her a tight smile which didn't reach my eyes. Bella nodded before turning back to her friends and continuing their conversation.

I just continued to sit there looking down distantly at my feet, no one bothering to talk to me till the end of lunch. "Come on Y/n we have English." Angela said.

I looks up briefly at the girl with a small nod as I reached down and grabbed my bag and helmet. We walked in silence to class. When we got there she sat in the middle row while I went to the back taking the seat near the window.

For the rest of the day I sat in the back by the windows, my arms crossed on the desk in front of me and my head reading on them. I just stared out the windows occasionally watching the racing raindrops race from one end of the window to the other.

By the end of the day I had no motivation to ride my bike instead jumping into Bella's truck. We drove home with Bella once again asking me. "How are you?" When I got in the truck and again at the traffic lights. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine." I replied bluntly to her first question. "Yeah, just the meds." I replied to her second one. When we pulled up to the house I sluggishly hopped out the truck and made my way into the house and my room.

I laid on my bed curled up in a ball for what felt like only five minutes but was 2 hours. Bella called me. "Y/n it's time to leave."

'Right the movie.' I mentally sighed. I crawled off the bed feeling a little dizzy as I stood up. I walked over to my mirror glancing back at my rough state. My hair was pulled in different directions, my oversized black hoodie wrinkled and my jeans well they were alright. I pulled my H/C hair back into a messy bun on top of my head as I pulled my jumper out getting rid of the creases.

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