4. Mint hair

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730 Words :D

A week had gone by and namjoon had been getting bouquets of a variety of flowers, all meaning something pure and lovely...he loved this..

everyday, he'd be anxious to go home and when the clock would struck 8 he'd rush to the door to find another bouquet... 

he wanted to know who was the person who had such power in his words that just they were able enough to make him feel loved and motivated.. and even if he didn't want to admit it truly, somehow deep, he knew...

he knew he was falling for the unknown...

jin would climb to his apartment window and watch him everyday, looking happy as ever after getting the flowers..he loved it...the way namjoon would smile...

he knew he had already fallen for a certain chocolate-haired male...

jin would even go to his shop once a day, seeing him getting along with customers with smiles made his day... of course he wouldn't enter the shop, just stand outside and take a bunch of photos to keep with him...

today was an important day for namjoon... a new co-worker was going to join him for full-time...

freshing up and getting dressed up in a comfortable pistachio-coloured hoodie with light-blue slightly ripped jeans, he exited his apartment, grabbing a a pair of triangle gimbaps on the way to his shop...

skipping happily inside the shop, he switched all the lights on...

he had brought the bunch of lilacs that he had received yesterday and tenderly decorated them in a vase at the counter...

he was wondering when his companion would arrive... it was almost time...

(meanwhile yoongi pov)

here i am, rushing to my job...you wonder why i'm already doing a full-time job instead of going to college... 

well, apparently my angelic parents decided to disown and kick me out of the house after i revealed that i was gay and wanted to pursue music as a career... and of course i collected all my savings and left the hell-hole cuz sWaEg...

the shop i was going to be working at came in sight as i quickened my pace a little more in hopes of reaching it faster...

i opened the door, causing the bell attached to it make a ding sound as the owner turned to me... he was dressed in simple and cute clothes...

he looked at me with a smile...

"oh are you the my new companion? meet me, i'm namjoon", he said with a smile.. he was too kind to say the least but i'm not sure if he'll be like that once he knows my sexuality..

"i'm yoongi and uhh...yeah..i came for a swaggy full-time pay", i awkwardly spoke...

"oh i see...so what do you know about flowers?", namjoon asked, looking keen as i nervously shifted in my seat..

"well nothing really deep but all of them have a specific meaning... and they are beautiful..they also have swaeg", i said, doubting myself...

"then what about the leaves and other green parts of the plant? what do you think of them?", he asked...

"they are beautiful too...people don't value their beauty enough..but they are hardworking and have swaeg...nature inspires me to write good and meaningful lyrics with swaeg too", i grew a bit excited as the convo came upon my passion...

"you write songs?", he curiously asked and i nodded...

"wow that's cool... let's be friends!", namjoon pushed his hand forward for a handshake which i gladly took...

"yes sure.. swaeg", i spoke...

"uhh..do you not think that you speak hat word..umm.. too much?", he asked, looking hesitant and i shook my head..

"no, swaeg"

"oh..ok i guess...swaeg i really like your hair..they're cool!"

"thanks, swaeg"

we got to work as he assigned me the task of putting the boxes of lavenders aside...

(time skip) (a/n pov)

"hobi, can you go and look for namjoon today? i need to go to a gang meeting today", jin asked hoseok and he nodded..

getting in his car, hoseok drove to the shop and stopped at a distance of a couple of strides away from the shop... he got off and stood at a distance from where he could see what was going on inside...

but a mint-head suddenly caught his attention...

hoseok scanned him, from up to down, taking in his curves...

that boy had more curves than any woman he could imagine... a slender waist, curvy butt and what else would anyone need?

his eyes were stuck on every movement the mint-haired boy made... sure he knew, this boy did capture his attention quite well...


yoongi boo entered!!

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