14. Intro:duce

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(you saw what i did in the title of the chapter lmao)

"WHO ARE YOU??!!!"

(Tae POV)

it was already late and i was still in the library.. i hadn't even noticed it was almost 7:30 p.m. already...

i had spent a lot of time at the library today searching for some books that could help me with my project and now i needed to somehow get home... i was just exiting the uni premises but then i approached by jungkook...

"going somewhere?", he asked and i replied with a nod, "home"

"it's late... are you gonna take the bus?", and i replied again with a nod... but then suddenly he grabbed my hand...

my heart was almost jumping out of the ribcage when i looked at him smiling at me, making his lip piercing more prominent...

i had hesitated a bit but agreed nonetheless...we reached home and i had invited him in for dinner as a thank you for dropping me....

so here we were...

opening the door to the apartment, we entered but it was strangely quiet with no one in sight... may be hyung was late..

i went inside the kitchen but then i saw a man wrapping himself around my hyung...


was that bastard trying to rape my hyung??!!
AWW HELL NAHHHH!! nobody touches my hyung!
bish this is gonna be your last day on eart get ready!

i had shouted at him while being ready to smash his head with a pan...


tae was gonna hit jin's head but stopped mid-air seeing jin's face...

"YOU ARE JUNGKOOKIE'S HYUNG!!", tae shouted and jin rolled his eyes and said, "wow i never knew"

taehyung and jungkook were friends and jungkook had already shown taehyung his family a.k.a. gang members... but hadn't told them that they were a mafia gang..

"SO WERE YOU THE ONE WHO'S IN LOVE WITH HYUNG??!!", taehyung was still shook... taeshook to be exact..

"stop yelling tae", namjoon said while jin replied with a nod..

what all of them hadn't noticed was a sleepy yoongi standing there watching all the drama unfold but as soon as he had heard who jin was his sleep vanished in the air...

"WHO'S IN LOVE WITH WHO??!!", yoongi yelled and all of them turned to look at him..

"NOW WHO ARE YOU??!! ARE YOU SOME CREEPY STALKER??!!", tae yell-asked yoongi making jungkook's eyes go wide...

"STALKER??!! I WON'T LET YOU HURT ANYONE HERE!!", jungkook shouted...

"wait he's not-", namjoon was about speak but was cut off by yoongi..

"tf??!! i'm not a creepy-", but then again yoongi was cut off by jin...

"shut up you all!! let my baby speak.. how dare you all cut him off"

"alright hyung, explain", tae demanded from namjoon..

"let's please sit first", namjoon requested and they all agreed and settled down at the two couches in the living room...

yoongi had seated himself beside namjoon since he was the only one whom he knew... while jin sat on namjoon's other side, wrapping his one hand around namjoon's timid frame...

meanwhile tae and jungkook sat together on the couch infront of them...

"so let's introduce ourselves", namjoon said...

"kim seokjin, whipped for kim namjoon", jin spoke with confidence while tae and jungkook grinned from ear to ear at a red namjoon...

"min yoongi, namjoon's co-worker... swaeg", yoongi looked done...

"oh so you're the one namjoon hyung told me about..", tae spoke in realization but not before making jin slightly jealous...

"my baby talked about him?", jin spoke in a tone which was clearly jealous... tae grinned like a cheshire cat..

"don't worry hyung.. namjoon hyung talks way more about you", tae spoke and watched jin's heave a sigh of relief.. he then introduced himself, "kim taehyung, namjoon hyung's little brother"

"jeon jungkook, jin hyung's not-so-little brother", jungkook mspoke making jin snort..

"shut up you're still a child", jin spoke making yoongi snort which drew all the eyes towards him...

"what, swag?"

everyone tore their gaze away....


bangtan gonna reunite soon ;)

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