7. Bumped

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A week since taehyung had visited namjoon.

half a week since he once again, moved in with namjoon...

and he had been happy ever since...

right now, he was hurrying to uni to get to his art lecture in time because he was late... reason? well, apparently namjoon had a day off and had switched off all the alarms in the house. including tae's.

when tae had woke up, it was already half an hour late, from his usual time so he had done everything as fast as he could, eventually skipping breakfast because he had to get here as fast as he could... he would eat later at the cafeteria though...

still speed-walking through the campus, he was heading to his lecture room...when he bumped into a boy who had been busy on his phone...

"oh i'm really sorry! but i need to go..i'm sorry!", he quickly walked past the boy whom he hadn't even given a chance to speak...

meanwhile there was a stunned jungkook...

"w-wait..he goes to the same uni?!", he asked himself...

quickly dialing hoseok, the first thing he did was yell...

"hey ju-", hoseok was interrupted..

"why did you not tell me?!", jungkook was still in shock... as well as ecstasy...

"wait..what did i not tell you?", just the tone of his voice was enough to indicate that hoseok knew nothing...

"that kim taehyung goes to the same fucking university!", jungkook growled...

"first of all, children don't swear... second, he does?"

"oh no no... he doesn't.. i just bumped into his very realistic-looking and moving statue", jungkook spoke, sarcasm dripping from his voice...

"alrighty, as much as i remember, this part was nowhere in the details so i didn't know but why do you sound so frantic?", hoseok asked and jungkook could actually see the smirk that graced his friend's face...

"w-what? i'm not frantic.", jungkook spoke...

"oh really? ok then", hoseok spoke, "but if you think you can outsmart me, jeon jungkook, then you're wrong", hoseok's smirk grew and jungkook couldn't get out a response...

"get lost, i don't have time for your bullshit"

"first of all, CHILDREN DON'T SWEAR... second, have fun seeing your crush", and hoseok had hung up... oh how much jungkook wanted to wipe that smirk of his face...

(time skip- 2 hours)

taehyung's stomach had been growling so he rushed to the cafeteria...

there wasn't much of a crowd of students since it still was 11 a.m....

taehyung got himself some bacon and eggs and started munching while scrolling through his insta feed and then he got a notification....

IG_Notification: abcdefghi__lmnopqrstuvwxyz followed you

and then, a boy came and sat in front of him...

"huh?", tae looked up from his phone... and he won't be lying, he was stunned.

"oh, do you not remember me?", the boy asked, looking for any hint of realization in taehyung's eyes but there was none...."i'm the boy you bumped into this morning"

"oh! i'm really sorry for today.. i was in a hurry to get my lecture", taehyung rubbed the back of his neck...

"no it's alright... i wasn't looking up too", jungkook shook his head...

he might be pretending to be suave but he was stunned by the beauty of the man sitting across him...

just everything about him was so perfect that it almost looked suspicious but then again the innocence that dripped from his eyes couldn't ever fail to endear you... his perm locks constantly came in the way of his eyes making him look even more heavenly..."ethereal" would be an understatement...

taehyung had been scanning the man in front of him... he couldn't take his eyes off..

the man sitting across of him was something that taehyung would describe as his type...

he was muscular, his clothes and numerous tattoos and piercings screamed 'badboy' yet the way his face was that of a baby... when he smiled, taehyung found it utterly adorable the way he had bunny teeth...

and unknowingly, a blush crept it's way upto taehyung's cheeks... he could feel the heat as he cleared his throat...

"uhm.. what's your name?", taehyung asked..

"i'm jungkook... you?", even tho jungkook knew, he still needed to pretend he didn't...

"i'm taehyung... so what are you majoring in?", taehyung was definitely curious about this boy...

"music final year.. i guess you're in arts, right?", jungkook asked..

"how do you know?"


"that i'm in arts second year", taehyung asked...

"i bumped into you there if you don't remember", jungkook chuckled...

"oh right... so you're a senior", taehyung nodded to himself...

"why? do you not like older boys?"

"n-no no it's not like that!.. wait how did the topic of me liking you come up?"

"oh trust me... i know you have a crush on me", jungkook rose up and from his chair and bent forward, levelling his face inches apart from taehyung who gulped at the sudden close proximity but nonetheless, stayed still...

"i have a.. c-class...BYE!", a beet-red tae stood up from his seat and ran away making jungkook once again chuckle...

"i'm already making you blush? that's a good start, i guess", jungkook smiled to himself..

well that didn't last long since his attention was now on jungcock and now...

he had to take care of... uhh... things..

"how tf has he already made me hard?!"


taekook first meet up- done!!

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