19. Cuddles and confessions

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Namjoon came out of the bathroom dressed up in a navy blue nightsuit...

jin looked at him to find the fit absolutely perfect as he smiled seeing the endearing boy...he himseld had changed into a similar set of pajamas, almost identical to be precise..

"you look cute", jin cooed at namjoon, making him stare at the ground with red cheeks... crazy how just three words were able to do that...

just after some seconds, they were lying with their backs on the soft mattress...an awkward silence surrounding them...

both of them turned on their sides to face each other, looking into each other's eyes, trying to read their thoughts..

"uhh this is awkward", jin mumbles and namjoon nodded, "it is."

"so tell me about you, namjoon", jin spoke and namjoon realised how good his name felt when uttered by the other man..."what are your hobbies?", jin asked again...

"me?.. i really like exploring things, like art museums, exhibitions and other things like that.. oh! and i love plants", namjoon's eyes twinkled as he spoke...jin was about to ask 'what about me?' but stopped the very moment he realised that it would make the atmosphere only more awkward....

"what do you like jinnie?", namjoon had asked while jin was still thinking about the words that were about to pass from his mouth and jin absent-mindedly answered, "you"...

namjoon blushed, " i meant-.. not-... uh ok me too"

"wait, what did you ask, again?", jin asked, stepping out of his train of thoughts..

"i asked, what do you like jinnie, as in hobbies?", namjoon peered over to read the sudden fall in jin's facial expressions...

jin's mind had started reeling flashbacks of his blurred memories with his beloved mother... how he used to play hide and seek with her and sit on the countertop and watch her cooking every time...the way she would pat him when it was his bed time and the stories she used to tell... 

he remembered he had once fallen into a puddle of mud while playing foot volleyball with some other neighbourhood friends when he was just four and she had scolded him for not being careful... he had cried and his mom had hugged him and carried him home...

he had lost her at a tender age of five, and then darkness had engulfed him... he saw all those moments race through his vision, making it blurry....

namjoon could see pits of darkness at his once shining eyes and almost instantly he knew... that there was something...

something that was soo dark that jin wasn't able to open his mouth against it but namjoon wanted to know...

just what had happened to jin....

"jinnie?", namjoon drifted closer to jin, cupping the latter's one cheek with his hand, "what happened? tell me... i'm here"

his voice was soothing like water in scorching sunlight... and surely, that was what jin had seeked in all those years..... comfort.

"joonie...", his voice was trembling, with tears at the brim of his eyes but he kept them in," you know, i really loved my mom"

"and now you miss her"

"yup, i do", jin drifted closer to namjoon, burying his head in crook of namjoon's neck like a child... a rare occurrence...

"she was.. r-raped... right in front of my eyes.... i was five, i couldn't do anything", a sob threatened to escape his mouth...

"it wasn't your fault jinnie... you were five, how could you do anything?", namjoon patted jin's head as he clutched him tighter...

"she killed herself after that... again i couldn't do anything", this time, the sob escaped...

"stop blaming yourself for it jinnie... if she would see you crying for her now, do you think she would be happy? do you?", namjoon's words had a certain power in them...

jin shook his head at the question, hugging namjoon for dear life while he was hugged by the said man just as tight...

"you remember, when i first came to your shop?", jin asked while namjoon nodded, "yup... you looked... sad"

"that was my mom's death anniversary... i was gonna visit her grave, after a long time", jin confessed...

"but when you had comforted me just with some of your words, it was as if it was destined, i fell for you at the very moment.", jin looked at namjoon's eyes for the very first time in a while to see him smiling..

"i certainly didn't know you've been after me for that long a time", namjoon giggled...

"i'm not joking though.... i really do love you... just so you know", jin mumbled, "and you don't have to worry to say it back."

namjoon looked at jin now, putting a bit of space between both of them....

how many days had it been?

or rather being more precise, how many months?

jin had been sending him flowers since forever and it had been a couple of months since they started texting, but just a day since namjoon had actually met jin...

did he love him?

heck yeah, he did...

"but i want to say it now... i love you too jinnie", namjoon mumbled those words, clear enough for jin to listen as his expression slowly morphed into a shocked pikachu face, making namjoon giggle...

"you what?", jin was finally able to speak and as if all his hesitation was gone, namjoon spoke again, "i love you too, jinnie"

one second, jin's pouncing on namjoon, the next he is kissing namjoon all over his face while the latter is a giggling mess...

"s-stop it jinnie.. it tickles!", namjoon tries to free himself but jin is now busy hugging the life out of him...

"you won't believe me i've been waiting for this moment for so long!! i love you baby!"

namjoon had his head against jin's chest while the latter's arms enclosed namjoon protectively as if he would get hurt if jin let loose....

kim namjoon was like an innocent little oblivious child, who needs protection from anything and everything while kim seokjin was his protector, ready to block any evil that could come their way...

and they kissed and cuddled, falling asleep in each other's arms, a sense of comfort and safety guarding them


there she was, dark as ever, sitting on her throne like a queen while staring at a particular photo in her hand....

anger flowed through her veins as she crumbled the photo and threw it somewhere in the room....

"i'm going to snatch him away from you, kim seokjin.... no matter what method i've to apply"


namjin finally confessed...YAYYYYYYY :D

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