23. Protective

841 31 0

Mention of self-harm.. don't read if you're not comfortable...


as jin had promised, namjoon and him were on a date right now... away from all the sinful sounds... in a convenience store..


a convenience store...

currently standing in the ramen aisle of a convenience store, they were picking out packs... and then they would go to namjoon's apartment and watch movies and cuddle...

well that was namjoon's plan.. and jin had liked it because it was cozy and comfortable, something that namjoon and jin both liked...

picking out the bibim ramen, they approached the cashier lady....

she looked at jin and bit her lip....

"hello sir... was this all you'd like?", she spoke in a seductive accent and namjoon internally rolled his eyes while jin didn't protest... he kinda wanted to see namjoon's reaction after he felt namjoon's body go stiff beside him as soon as the girl in front of him had spoken...

"yes..", jin smiled and collected all the groceries from the counter...

"wait! have my number handsome~", she purred and bit her lips while namjoon couldn't stand it anymore...

i hope her lips start bleeding....

"well he already has a boyfriend to text and talk to so i'm not sure he needs your no.", namjoon gave her a sickening sweet smile and dragged jin out of the store...

"joonie? what was that?", jin internally smirked...

"w-what was what?", namjoon asked, still walking towards jin's car but soon he was grabbed by his wrist and slammed onto the door of another nearby car, with jin being awfully close to him...

"joonie baby? what did you back there?"

"well i was just t-telling her the t-truth", namjoon stuttered not being able to make any form of eye-contact with the man towering over him...

"or i would rather say you were jealous, baby", jin smirked as namjoon took a brief glance at him and turned red...

"s-so what? you're my boyfriend.. should i just allow everyone to come flirt with you like that?", namjoon crossed his arms and huffed, making jin chuckle and kiss his pout..

"nope... i only belong to you joonie", jin smiled, making namjoon do the same in the process as the continued to carry the groceries to the car...

(time skip)

reaching namjoon's apartment complex, jin parked the car and both of them got out, carrying all the groceries...

namjoon started to walk ahead, with jin tailing behind but then he suddenly slipped, jin's eyes widened and he rushed towards namjoon...

but before he could do that, a girl, say 13 years old came and helped him up...

"oh.. thank you", namjoon bowed while the girl smiled back and did the same... jin didn't feel good so he went up and stood beside namjoon, sliding his bulky hand around namjoon's waist, making namjoon twitch a little because of the sudden touch and that, indeed, didn't fail to catch the girl's attention...

"thank you.. for helping my boyfriend up.. now if you let us..", jin held namjoon by his waist, his other hand taking the load of all the groceries..

they entered the apartment and sat down on the couches...

"jinnie what was that back now?", namjoon pouted and asked...


"you didn't have to be that cold to her... she just helped me up also she looked more like a child..", namjoon had folded his arms by now..

"i don't care.. you're mine..", jin shrugged and kissed those soft pouty lips making namjoon blush and avert his gaze...

"protective..", namjoon mumbled but jin's quick ears caught on to the noise...

"you still love me tho", jin winked and namjoon looked away...

the ramen was ready and so were they....

wrapped in a fluffy blanket, namjoon snuggled into jin while he had an arm around namjoon, drawing him even closer...while watching the movie, jin pulld namjoon onto his lap and snuggled his head in the crook of namjoon's neck, while holding him by his waist...

"j-jinnie...?", namjoon asked, literally red...

"shhh.. i like this position better...", jin spoke and they continued cuddling like that on the couch...eventually falling asleep...

(the next morning)

jin woke up next day on the couch to se namjoon hugging him like a koala, sprawled half-above him and the blanket covering their legs...

light snores filled the air as namjoon slept peacefully in jin's arms....

brushing the younger's fluffy bangs out of the way, jin looked at namjoon and brushed his lower lip with his thumb and kissed him softly so that he won't wake up...

he was thinking... will this be how they'll be when they get married? he smiled to himself, thinking all the cute scenarios in his head...

they were happy all this time...

and being watched...


she splashed the water on her face, looking at her exhausted reflection in the mirror with fire in her eyes..

her hands twitched in excitement to see the little box kept there.. opening it, she took out her small and sharp blade and make a no. of cuts on her arm, all of them dripping with crimson blood...

"that feels good..", she sighed in pleasure of the pain she had just given herself...

she had seen it all.. the way namjoon and jin were all lovey-dovey but she promised herself that wouldn't last long...

she won't let it last long... she wanted namjoon for only herself..


yo my gurl is finally here!!

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