30. Action

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this chapter contains violence... don't read if you are uncomfortable


The four mafias were wondering from where were all these men coming...was there some kind of secret door or something...

but there wasn't anything..

or maybe they were just too tired...

hyejin was lying unconscious on the floor while all the four were fighting...

jin kicked a guard in the balls, making him scream and fall onto the floor, clutching his 'uhmm', you know?

pointing a gun straight at his head, jin shot him, his body drop dead on the floor... but suddenly someone grabbed him by the neck, in a chokehold, leaving very little space for him to breath but jin's eyes widened when he heard another gunshot, too close to him and he looked down, to see the man's arm removed and bloody... looking forward, it was jimin who had shot the man...

jin shot him too and proceeded forward...

they were only four.. and still 10 men were left....

this should be fairly easy for all of them as they made an eye contact and the look on their face screamed, 'easy peasy lemon squeezy'

10 men should be done in the blink of an eye but the problem was, as soon as the firing, yet again, started, almost all of them were out of bullets...

junkook looked around him to find an AK47 lying just a few steps away but as soon as he proceeded forward to pick up the gun, a gunshot resonated in the room, drawing all their eyes to the bleeding shoulder of jimin...

well... guess who summoned satan just now?

hoseok had a smile on his face, and unfortunately, that creeped out the 10 men to a great extent... jimin just smirked... this is where the fun begans...

hoseok was fast... like really fast as he dashed towards the guard who had shot jimin and gave him the hardest punch he had ever given to someone, which made his own knuckles crack but that was not important right now...

and as if he had infinite power, he lifted the man, with his hand around his throat, choking him all the way down... while the other guards watched in horror...

"you dare fucking hit my man... messed up big time bro", he chuckled, having a sinister smile on his face...

hoseok and jimin didn't get angry or triggered often but when they did...

trust me you don't wanna know...

hoseok was that crazy kind of angry... he could kill someone with a smile on his face and feel absolutely nothing while jimin was that scary kind of mad... hurt someone he loves and he won't hesitate to shoot you straight in the head...

well that's just how they were and now, jin and jungkook knew that it's them who are at advantage... ready for action?

quickly grabbing the guns that were scattered near them, they started firing at the guards who were still horrified by the sight before them, giving them no chance to revive and shoot back as they were hit directly in the head...

the whole room, that once had a beautiful marble floor, was turned almost into a pool of blood, it's walls screaming in agony at the sight of numerous bodies that were laying dead before them...


"t-tae?", namjoon spoke, tears brimming in his eyes as he just stood there, struck... and yoongi wasn't much different...

they had not entered some parallel world right?

"hyung? why are you crying?", taehyung walked towards his brother, crumbs of snacks sticking on his cheeks while he hugged his brother tightly to calm him down...

"taehyung...?", yoongi was finally able to speak...

"yes? yoongi hyung?", taehyung looked up at the elder...

"why are you not tied up? ... i mean, weren't you kidnapped?", yoongi asked while taehyung chuckled...

"oh hyung! the shoot is already over... you know i got to play the role of the victim and hyejin unnie told me that i was great and my acting was soo realistic!", taehyung jumped lightly, clearly excited...

"y-you thought that... you were casted in a drama?", yoongi asked as taehyung nodded, making namjoon and yoongi question their life decisions...

"tae... i mean... you know you were 'really' kidnapped.. not just a drama..", namjoon finally spoke...

"i was?"

"you were"

"oh... ok then..i guess", taehyung shrugged nonchalantly as he walked out of the room, leaving yoongi and namjoon behind, staring at the floor, regretting their whole damn existence...

and soon enough all three of them reached the room where all the chaos was...

"wow.. umm.. this looks like a movie set!", jungkook could swear he saw taehyung's eyes sparkle and he was left speechless...

yoongi noticed their looks of absolute shock and came forward...

"well you see, he thought that he was casted in a drama to play the victim of a kidnapping and he had acted out all those goddamn videos that were sent to us and we found him laying in a fucking comfortable bed while watching a drama and eating snacks like yeah this is what we came for and then when we told him that he was actually kidnapped then he was like 'ok' like fucking shit i came here for this", yoongi almost rapped and looked at the four blood-covered men, who opened and closed their mouths like fishes and then just nodded, understanding that it was taehyung, after all...

"let's just... leave this... we need to go to a hospital now to get you all treated.. and we're taking hyejin with us too", namjoon spoke, in a declarative manner...

"why her?", jin asked, slightly agitated while namjoon gave him a worried look, "something just... seems off about her.. i don't understand but i feel the urge to talk to her.. you need to understand", he finished while all of them just nodded and headed to their cars..


welp tae got me cackling lmao

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