Chapter 33

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"Advil?" Calling the sub-inspector, Mr. Shivir ordered, "....Notify Anna Joshep"

He continued shifting his pivot back at Vansh, ".....We are gonna scan you iris, fingerprints and ear structure with your photo here...." he tapped on the little passport size coloured photo at the corner of the file, "...Mr. RaiSinghania...."

"So how come it's gonna prove it's him?" Asked Kabir more out of curiosity. Who knows? Maybe his evil mind wanna grab the information for his further heinous plans. 

".....Ear structure, Fingerprints, iris are the unique features of a human...." Mr.Shivir answered, "....They can never be copied....." Stood towering in front of Kabir, Shivir continued with a snigger, "....Even though I am convinced that this fellow is Mr. RaiSinghania...." he swiftly shifted his orbs towards Vansh and then back at Kabir,"....yet only for your sake Mr. Kabir, so that you don't forcefully charge me of being biased" He sort of accused the shorter man in front, who  huffed. 

"Can I have a seat?" Asked Shivir to Vansh who nodded his head in front.
Flashing a short smile, Shivir sat on the couch at one corner adjacent to Ishani.

"Aap kuch lenge?" Asked Chanchal Chachi in a honey coated tone to which Aryan scrunches his eyebrows.

"No thanks. I am on duty" Responded Shivir when Chanchal Chachi's eyes met his son's who shrugged his shoulder giving an -obviously- look. 

Scanning around at the mansion and the members occupying it; Shivir spotted, some having agitated look while some have a shade of fear. Possibly solely, one having confusion written on her countenance.

It was then, when Shivir's eyes fell on the crouched women beside her. Her face looked pale, while fingers fidgeting with each other continuously.
"Which month?" He asked noticing the little baby bump. 

"Umm...." shuddering at the sudden question, Ishani gulped before answering, "...Third" she squeaked.

"Meri wife bhi hai..." Mr. Shivir said when his profile filled with happiness and excitement.

"Congratulations" Ishani wished giving a short smile. 

"Thanks" Responding, Shivir looked at the entrance when a lady in her mid twenties walked with her team following. Her heels clicked against the tiled floor while her attire compelled every eye to stop and scan her.  Not her fault, her personality seemed extremely charming. 

"Anna!!" Shivir exclaimed out when he shot up from his place and spread his arms wide to engulf the lady. 

"Hey Shivir" she greeted reciprocating the hug.  "How are you?" she asked releasing him out. 

"Happy would-be-father" he spoke out affably and Anna hugged him again. 

"Be at your guard with your words Shivir" she warned tight-lipped and then tilted her head towards Anupriya, who were in the clutches of two lady constable, while a smile plastered on his face. 

Shivir turned towards the rest from his left side, not before glancing at Anupriya who was holding a deadly look on her profile.

Taking a deep breath, Shivir dictated Anna her job, "Anna you have to test out a hit between the iris, fingerprints and ear structure of Mr. Rai Singhania with this photograph of his" he completed handing over the file to Anna. "Okay... Let me clear it first" saying Anna walked towards the system set up by her team, meanwhile. 

"Mr. Rai Singhania have a seat" Asking  Vansh to sit on the other side of the system, Anna pressed some keys when the photograph slowly and steadily cleared out.  The little Vansh was clearly visible on the screen.

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