Chapter Two

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Ratchet signed in relief as the human girl left, then snapped her vision back to him.

"Okay, there's no one else here!" She yelled at him. "I know you did that sigh!"

Ratchet was starting to panic, he had come back 4 weeks ago. Then light showed on her. She put her arms up to block the light.

It was from an all black 2022 GMC Sierra. Its lights were shining in the human's eyes.

It rev its engine at her as she looked at it. She looked at her home then ran to the gate as the truck came slowly towards her.

The truck engine was still revving as it drove off. Ratchet did a U-Turn as he followed the truck down the empty street.

He wanted to know who else was back, he recognized the way the truck acted in defending him, revving at anyone that seemed to be dangerous.

As he followed the truck seemed to take notice of him, it had turned in various directions.

It was a while until the truck made its final turn into an alleyway. Ratchet slowed down, his sense at an all time high.

He stopped far behind the truck as the truck stopped. Ratchet transformed out of his vehicle mode into his real self. His hand turned into his saw, he was on his knee looking at the truck.

"Whoever you are, be warned. I will dismantle you to pieces." Ratchet said, still looking at the truck with threatening eyes.

Then there was a high pitch squealed, every light in the alleyway went out. It was pure darkness now.

Ratchet energon blue markings glowed in the dark, as there were other markings. Blue eyes glowed through the dark.

Ratchet stared back at them, his weapon system activating. Ratchet stood up at his full height as his saw started to run. "This is your last warning." He growled. "I'll dismantle you to pieces."

The stranger in the dark growled back, then stepped closer to Ratchet. He stepped back, he couldn't fight very well but he could put threats into his defense.

Then something flew into his optics, blinding him for a short amount of time. Oil. As slick as it was, it was a pain to get it out of one's optics.

Ratchet listened to his surroundings, being blind was a huge advantage to the other. Footsteps were heard around him as Ratchet swung his saw around aimlessly and tried to wipe the oil out of his eyes.

He was kicked from behind on his lower back. He stumbled forwards as something shocked his hand that was a saw. It stopped running then he was immediately tackled to the ground. There was punching involved and various cussing.

They rolled almost to the road, which Ratchet amused.

He was having enough of this bullshit as he kicked whoever was trying to pin him in the gut. There was a grunt as Ratchet kept kicking the stranger until he could get up.

He stood there with his other hand up in defense. The oil was starting to fade out of his eyes a bit but not enough for him to fully see his surroundings.

There were more footsteps around him as he tried to turn to where it was coming from. He was again tackled, but this time he felt the weight from behind his legs.

He once again fell to the ground but this time he was permanently on the ground. He tried to kick the other in the gut, to get free again, but he grunted in pain as the stranger slammed themselves into his lower stomach.

He felt his wrist being grabbed then pinned to the ground. The saw on his hand was back to its normal state, being a hand.

Ratchet struggled against the grips on his arms for a bit.

The stranger looked down at Ratchet as he struggled against them. They huffed a bit at this resistance.

The oil in the other's eyes was starting to go away with every blink he did. It was still pitch black.

When the oil was gone in Ratchet's eyes but not around the area of his eyes. His dark blue eyes showed annoyance as he, finally, stopped struggling against the stranger.

The stranger smirks at him, his grip tightening on the other's wrist. Ratchet on the other hand, was absolutely pissed off at this guy.

"Don't think one of you 'Cons, can sneak up on me! Even with that little ambulance get up!" The stranger growled.

"Says the one that is holding me hostage! What if your one of them?" Ratchet growled back, still pissed off.

The stranger rolled his eyes as Ratchet looked back at him, a person that doesn't have any identification of which side they are on are somewhat dangerous.

Then the alleyway lights came back on, backup lights on the side of the building. This showed the identity of the stranger to Ratchet and the same to the other.

"Iron?" Ratchet asked, looking at him as Ironhide let his wrist go and put his hands in the air.

"I am so sorry!" Ironhide yelped, looking at him as the light blue under his eyes glowed brightly in embarrassment. He was still sitting on the other's lower stomach. "I had no idea it was you! I thought you were a 'Con and it's kinda dark!"

Ratchet looked at him, a small smile of happiness with a mixture of sadness was there. Ironhide was saying random things now and Ratchet cut him off with a hug, he sat up a bit, making Ironhide adjust his position a bit but Ratchet didn't care.

His closest friend is back and also his partner. Ironhide froze a bit but relaxed as he hugged him back. "I missed you…. I missed you so much…." Ratchet cried a bit into the other's shoulder.

"Ratch, it's okay…. I'm back, I won't leave again. Not for the world." Ironhide said, soothing his partner.

They looked at each other again, with small smiles, then Ironhide put his chin on Ratchet's head as the other laughed a bit, his markings under his eyes glowed a bit.

"Iron!" He laughed out as his partner hugged him a bit. "Let me go!"

"Nah, I'm comfy like this." He said, his eyes closed a bit.

Ratchet sighed a bit then just nuzzled into the other's neck, relaxed again, not running and hiding from humans and him…..

Ratchet felt safe with Ironhide again, more safe than ever. He was safe. As long as he felt safe he would survive as long as he could.

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