(Short) When a german spy spies on the UK

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The German spy was in line with other English soldiers and began to sweat, what would happen if he got caught? He would die and fail his own country.
He didn't care anymore to be honest, he actually wanted to join the English side and studied English for three months before being hired as a spy. His father was so proud of the German spy but he just wanted to join the English. He gave up his own loyalty for his father.
One of the English soldiers noticed his swearing and pat him on the shoulders.
'Hey, are you okay?'
'Ja (sounded like a Yeah), du?' The soldier relied nervously. The "du" sounded like a "do"
'Do I what?' The soldier felt shivers down his spine trying to gather up his best English skills.
'D-do y-you umm... h-have some wasser?' He asked, he messed up by saying wasser but under the helmet it was muffled anyway.
'Yeah, here!' The English soldier took a small flask and passed it to the German who sipped the water before handing it back.
'Dank.' He said nervously, he had a slight high pitched voice so the "d" sounded like a "t".
'You're welcome, don't be nervous, we have a perfect war strategy, should I tell you how it works so you don't feel like you will mess it up?' The German nodded quickly and the English took a deep breath.

'Let's move somewhere else in case there is a german spy around.' He said sternly. The German nodded, revising everything he learnt during his three months of English. Surprisingly, he understood almost everything that the English man said and only missed a couple words. He seemed calmer now, maybe he knew more English than he thought.
They moved back outside with the rest of the soldiers but this time he had more confidence.

'You there!' A high rank soldier asked the German spy, 'have you seen any German spies around?' Oh shoot... he forgot how to say no in English was he was about to die.
'N-NEIN..' he stuttered loudly. The English man's eyes widened. That's it, he is so dead.

'GUYS WE HAVE NINE GERMAN SPIES AROUND DO A SEARCH IMMEDIATLY.' The high rank soldier shrieked before turning back to the German spy. 'Thank you sir.' He said before running off to other soldiers.

'How did you see the spies when I was talking to you?' He shrugged before the guards went off to duty and the soldiers practiced their training. The Germany spy quickly snuck off.

'Sir... I know their war strategy.' He whispered

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