Prague starter pack

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Hello! As a fellow Pražák I shall give some stuff about it.. from what to NOT do, how it's like and what people assume vs Reality <3

Expect disaster and passive aggressive me, if I sounded aggressive, I wasn't :)))

<or was I? 🤨🤨>


-Kindergarten (I never went to preschool, weird)
-high school

Middle school? Bestie that doesn't exist her ein Prague. You either go to primary till 9th grade or from 5-8th grade you try to get in high school by doing extremely difficult tests that not even the smartest students can get into.

I know about ten people who failed the test, I'm surprised how I passed it and got in one.

School holidays, unless you are in a IB school are extremely short.
Christmas mixed with new year: 1 week
Summer: 2 months
Spring: 1 week
National day: lol it's on the weekend doesn't count
Easter: 5 days (seriously?)

We also have at least one test every week, it's endless studying even on your only holiday, but hey! My 95 exams are over so YAY NO MORE STUDYING! *throws physics book into my back garden*


No, we don't live near the Prague castle, we rather live 30 minutes or more from it. We as in most people, I actually am one of the lucky ones who do live nearby, but no it ain't cheap.

Of course you can get a house in Praha 1 but expect to pay millions for a ugly apartment. Look, housing is expensive. The only reason I have a five story house is because of family generations. My house is literally over a century old.

Most likely, you will have either
1. A house
2. A house but only one of the floors
3. Oh lord SMALL 1 PERSON ONLY HOUSE (one of the worst conditions)

Prague is extremely convenient, stores are markets are basically everywhere and stores are everywhere. You don't have to travel far. One mall I love is Paladium or Smíchov in Anděl


Socks and sandals?
No. No. No! We don't do that crap, it's either just sandals or sneakers! I personally find this combination even a crime! This is a huge no for me. We need to end this stereotype *angry screeching*

Everyone is unfriendly and depressed

We aren't perfect beings, we aren't going to be friendly to everybody. This stereotype is just weird. Look, we aren't the happiest country but we are happy in general.

We also are actually friendly to people, we try our best to help people but just because you met one rude Czech person doesn't make the entire population mean and depressed.

Poor eyesight


Only beer

Oh yes, we love our beer, but we actually love wine too in case you didn't know! This one I won't be mad at because I understand. I literally tried drinking beer when I was eight (I didn't like it lmao so no I don't drink beer).

I cant say much about this, in my books I make Czechia generally a passionate beer drinker. When I first joined the fandom I made him obsessed with beer. I am more into defenestration jokes rn because HISTORY IS A FUN SUBJECT

 I am more into defenestration jokes rn because HISTORY IS A FUN SUBJECT

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Oh oops went off topic.. NEXT!!

Everybody is an atheist

This isn't true, I know many Christian or catholic people that are Czech.

I am weird, I don't believe in god but I believe in ghosts and karma.

I can't really say much here because well... I can't explain it in a way that it would make sense

We hate foreigners

No. We don't, my mum was a foreigner in Prague for seven years and nobody ever were disrespectful, she was treated the same and was a well respected person.

We accept people here! We are very friendly fellows, we aren't mean if you don't smile at you in the street, we shouldn't be expected to smile everywhere we go, that's not how it works

She is a citizen now but we don't talk about that

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