Another yn request

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Ah yes.. another Yn request... LETS GET TO IT!

Also I had writers block since I suck at writing Yn stories :P

Yn was at TR's house for the day and she met Czechia and Poland who were planning to escape.

Germany entered the room to treat their wounds and met Yn.
'Oh no... not another one! Are you okay? That's your name?'
'Yn.' She scoffed while assuming the German was on their side.

'I'm not on their side... just mentioning.' Germany added and Czechia confirmed it.

'I'm going to escape, are you going to do anything about that?' She told Germany and Czechia and Poland gave a "why" face.

'Nope. I can help treat your wounds though... I'm trying to make this place less of a hell than it is.' He said while going closer to Yn. Yn felt suspicious about the German but let him treat her wounds anyway.

'You've been to JE? I'm surprised you're even alive.' Germany said surprised when he saw the katana scars. 'You must have a strong pain tolerance.'

'I do. Not that I can stand it happily though.'

'Wait.. Yn? Do you want to escape with us?' Czechia offered.
'It's best if we go together I guess.. sure.'

Germany DIDNT seem fazed by it and secretly prays that he could escape too. He turned on the light so he can do stitches better. Yn was shocked a bit when she saw Germany's face was also covered in scars, not as much as her though but something felt strange about Germany. As if he didn't want to say anything, just help them till he dies.

'I RECOMMEND to escape at midnight. It will be colder but the axis will be off guard, assuming you wouldn't dare to escape from the -12 degree weather.' Germany suggested, Poland was surprised.

'How do YOU know?!'

'Experience, I tried to escape before as well. Didn't end very well since the next day I got caught by JE when she was taking Taiwan away.' Germany sighed with sadness in his voice.

'DEUTSCHLAND WO BIST DU?' TR yelled from above. Germany flinched a bit.
'Good luck.. get help for France too.. she is at FI's currently (not historically, just an AU).' Germany sniffled a bit before running upstairs, throwing his medkit aside.

'Poland, context about Germany please? Something feels strange about him.'

'Eh. Germany is like us but with more freedom. TR abuses him and forced him to embrace him. His real father got killed by TR and TR stole Germany from his real parents, including his siblings. He only took East with him since she caught TR.'

Excuse me what.

'What?! He kidnaps his own family?'
'Yes. He is a psychopath.' Poland added before retracting his wings. Yn felt weird about TR now, she didn't know he was that weird. Suddenly FI and TR burst in the room with a gun.
'Poland. Come here.'
'N-no! Not today please! Just give me a break- AH!' TR grabbed Poland by the wings and dragged him upstairs. 'NO!'

When Poland was upstairs, she could make out yelling in Polish and two Germany people and gunshots sprinkled with laughter and cries. What was actually happening was Germany tried to help Germany but ended up joining Poland with the torture.

Yn and Czechia found this as an opportunity to perfect the plan to escape. They took the medkit and put some in their pocket for Poland later and took a syringe and sharpened it with the rocky wall to make a knife that could cut through the bars. Soon German cries followed as the door opened to throw Poland in before it shut.

Czechia spoke in his native language with Poland who also spoke his own native language before going to yn.
'It's time to escape. We first fix Poland up though.'

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