Germany, Poland + Czechia :D

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These incorrect quotes mainly show the disaster between Czechia, Poland and Germany :P

This was a request I haven't fulfilled for a month. OOF


Czechia: -crying-
Poland : what's wrong?
Czechia: *insert random country* hurt me!
Germany *looks at Poland*
Germany: Write a letter about the people that hurt you the most and burn them.
Czechia: okay!!
<next day>

Germany and Poland: so? How did it go
Czechia: great! What do I do with the letters though?
Germany and Poland: oh shit


Czechia in my books likes gaming and stays up at night to play Minecraft, probably building large statues of Kofola and beer.

Poland: Czechia, truth or dare?
Czechia: Truth!!
Poland: how much did you sleep?
Czechia: DARE!!!
Germany: go to bed
Czechia: can I have a kofola before I do that?
Poland: -faceplant-


Germany to Czechia: Ugh Poland sometimes is so annoying!
Poland: -teleports- I heard you were talking shit about me?-
Germany and Czechia: AAAAAAAAAA!


Czechia: Germany told me to cook tonight but I don't know how to cook

Poland: -putting ketchup in pasta- you think I can help?


Germany: guys! I'm driving to work so get over here before I ditch you guys!

Poland: SHOTGUN!

Czechia: aww man :(

Poland: -pulls out actual shotgun-

Germany: OH SHEIßE-

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