Tutorial on putting on a scoliosis brace

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Simple tutorial from a professional severe scoliosis human

This is sarcastic, 30% of my oxygen spam is not gone but sometimes I can't breathe in the bus because of lack of space for my lungs after food. I AM VERY MUCH ALIVE IN MY BRACE, thank you very much

*intense praying my new brace doesn't have straps in the back but the front so I don't have to depend on people or break my arms*

Step 1. Get your brace

Where do you find one? On the sofa, bed, kitchen, bathroom or even the floor! (Yes, we give no mercy or kindness to our torture devices)

2. Open it

Use your fingers and open it using your full strength

3. Go inside the brace

GO SIDEWAYS! It's not pants or a t-shirt. That torture device will deform your head with the strong curve! Sideways is how you put on the brace

4. Adjustments

Make sure you don't have your brace backwards, never happened to me but it does happen! Sometimes I wear it upside down by accident, making the curve go in my ribs which is just- PAIN

5. Tighten

This is the hardest part, if you had dinner I suggest to not wear your brace for half an hour or you can feel sick.  It's kind off like a corset, compressed your organs but it doesn't even make you fancier, just chunky with the brace lmao

NOW! Put the strap through the mega strap, and pull until 30% of your oxygen span in gone, is it? Good! NOW USE THE VELCRO

5. More adjustments

Make sure your shirt/ undershirt didn't get stuck in the brace or any wrinkles to prevent more rashes and itches. I suggest rubbing alcohol on your back before wearing your brace. I used to use powder but it didn't work, I use alcohol these days (rubbing not the drink Gee-)

Also make sure to push your brace lower or higher, it's okay to do that or twist your brace a little to make sure the brace isn't compressing your hip bone :)

6. Cover time

Now we shall start to burn, get some clothes and change to hide your brace! This is a painful part to actually find clothes that fit you since my brace is a gremlin and loves making holes in my brace

7. Go outside and burn

Very simple

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