Revenge for TR (AU)

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Thank you so much! I love your writing by the way ☺️


The war ended with two Germans and the angry axis. Who wouldn't be boiling mad? They just lost a world war. USSR took East while UK took west, quickly only calling him 'Germany' instead which drives TR mad.

Germany quickly avoided TR as soon as possible and didn't even discuss with anyone on what punishment to give him, leaving France and the others to find it themselves. Germany refused to talk with anyone about the war and decided to leave it behind to start a new life with the support of UK and France, a better life, leaving the past behind for the better and easily got accepted by the new countries.

Meantime.. TR had to pay a price for all the war crimes. I mean he was a basically a psychopath who only found joy in hurting people and hanging out with the axis.

'France, what should we do with TR?' UK asked. France looked at Germany's room door and back to Uk.
'Let's First List EVERYTHING TR did. Let's see... killed GE, too East and West, hurt me, Czechia and Poland (and Germany but let's leave that out), and so on.'

'Not really helping.' America scoffed.
'Be Patient son..' UK said making America scoff harder.

'Well.. ripping out TR's wings would be too far since he can die from too much pain. Electrocute him or using my guillotine (my top ten words I will never spell correct) is just pure execution. We aren't killing TR.'

'Mum your almost as blind as AH, the idea is right in front of you. You simply remove his leg and see how embarrassed he would be, I mean...'

'WAIT! America you are right! Blind as AH!' France said when a light bulb internally flickered on. Blind as AH... B L I N D as AH.

'That was meant to be an insult but okay? I'm going to play Minecraft with Canada before he burns my White House I built in our server again.' America finished his sentence before running upstairs to play Minecraft with Canada. 

'We can blind TR!!' France exclaimed a little too excited that she found an idea. UK nodded in response because asking the French a question.

'Now how do we blind him... safely?'  UK looked at France, 'We were allowed to give him one punishment but we can't hurt hm too much. I know he deserves more but like him losing is annoying.'

'That's easier than finding out other punishments, we can ask Switzerland.' France replied before sending an email to Switzerland on how to blind TR safely without a lot of pain.

France and UK entered TR's room.. Not really a room but it wasn't jail either.
UK saw a notification on France's phone and notified her to check. Turns out it was the Swiss's reply that he can get it surgically removed, being blind was going to cause him permanent inconvenience so it's perfect as a punishment based on TR's crimes.

'What do you want?' TR asked annoyed, carving out a Poland with knives stuck to him on the wall.
'Well...we got an appointment for you.' France said, leaving out the part that he was going to be blind.
'Oh Gott.' TR said as he stopped carving out the image and followed the pair. France and UK turned on the engine in their chair before putting TR in  the trunk, using those seats for children for extra protection to keep TR secure in the trunk.
'This is humiliating.' TR growled but France and UK held in their laughter and went to the front seat to drive to Switzerland. On the way to Switzerland, TR tried to draw a Strange symbol on the car so UK had to pull over and stop TR from vandalizing their car before going back in the car.

'Are we there yet?' TR asked, boiling and at the same time upset on why he can't just sit in back seat.
'Five minutes you big baby.' France responded before taking a Baguette from her car and splitting it half to share it with UK who happily took it.

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