~Chapter 26~

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Shaylynn's pov:

I woke up around noon. I was honestly exhausted from yesterday and this week so I wasn't surprised that I woke up late. 

I looked around and both girls were up. I turned and check my phone.

One message from Vinnie.

V: Good morning hope you slept well ;)

I didn't respond because of the strong scent of bacon. I got up out of the fort that we made and went downstairs.

Jessica and Devin were in the kitchen making pancakes, bacon, and eggs. Devin heard me and turned around.

"Good morning sleepy head," Devin said laughing a little bit after she said that.

"Ready for some brunch?" Jessie asked flipping another pancake.

"Yeah I am kinda hungry" I grabbed plates, silverware, and cups so I could set the table.

"Are your parents eating with us?" I asked Jessie so I could set out more things for them if needed.

"No, they are actually out running errands before we leave tomorrow for New Jersey to see my family up there"

I finished setting the table and a few minutes later Jessie brought over the food. We devoured all the food. There were only two pancakes left when we were done.

I helped Jessica clean up before we all headed upstairs.

We started by cleaning up Jessica's room. It was messy for us last night.

There we snacks and wrappers everywhere. We also needed to clean up the hundreds of blankets we used to make our fort.

Once we were finished cleaning Jessica's room, bringing it back to how it was when we came; we started to all get ready for the day.

We all took individual showers. Once I was out of the shower, Devin braided my hair for me.

She has always been so good at that type of thing.

I got dressed and did light makeup. Jessica and I did our makeup together while Devin was in the shower. When Dev was finally ready I packed up all my stuff.

By this time it was nearly 2 pm and I needed to get home to start packing for my trip to San Francisco with Vinnie.

"I'm sorry guys I have to cut the sleepover short, I have to get home to pack"

"Girl doesn't worry about it I think we all need to pack," Jessica said looking at her empty suitcase that was lying on her floor.

"I really need to get the move on too, we are leaving early in the morning," Devin said.

Devin's family always traveled to Florida. Which is where all of her family live so anytime they can go down there, they do.

Devin and I walked out of Jessica's house together, sending hugs and kisses to Jess as we walked to our cars.

"Bye Dev" I leaned in to hug her. I'm not going to lie, I'm going to miss her.

"Bye Shay, have fun with Vinnie"

"I will"

We said our final goodbyes and then I got in my car. I pulled out my phone so I could call Vinnie to let him know I am on my way home.

"Hello" Vinnie answered the phone on the first ring.

"Hey, I was just calling to let you know that I'm on my way home."

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