~Chapter 46~

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Shaylynn's POV: 

Today is the day that I am packing up to move to college. 

Devin and I have to leave Saturday so that we can spend Sunday unpacking. Then we start classes Monday. 

The worst part about college is leaving Vinnie. 

I haven't stopped thinking about it. I am so anxious.

I've been away from him for an extended period of time but that was different. This time there is no conflict, we are doing so good in our relationship right now. 

When I'm with Vinnie at his apartment, I feel like I'm at home. I don't feel anxious, I feel safe. 

So I'm nervous and excited about going to college. 

I rolled out of bed and went out into the living room where Vinnie was sitting on the couch drinking coffee. 

He looked up from his phone and immediately put it down. He opened his arms motioning me to go hug him. 

I walked over and lay on top of his body. 

"Morning love." He whispered in my ear. 

"Hi" I whispered back, halfway still asleep. 

"There is coffee for you in the kitchen if you want it." Vinnie was rubbing circles on my back with his fingers. 

I slowly got up and walked to the kitchen to grab the coffee. 

Once I grabbed the coffee, I walked back over to the couch and sat down. 

"I don't want to start packing," I said breaking the silence that was in the room. 

"Why not?" Vinnie asked taking another sip of his coffee. 

"It makes me sad." He looked up at me with a look of concern. 

"I mean don't get me wrong I am happy that I got into a great college and that I get to go with my best friend but leaving you makes me sad," I said softening his concerned look. 

"Baby come here." I didn't even realize that a tear had slipped down my cheek while trying to explain to him. 

I lay in Vinnie's arms as he wrapped them around me. 

"Don't worry about us. Yes, you won't live with me but I will see you as much as I can and when I am not with you, I will facetime you or something." Vinnie wiped the tears off my cheeks. 

"Okay, please tell me that plan you have won't change," I said still laying in his arms. 

"It won't I promise." He said kissing my forehead. 

"How about we go get some breakfast then come back and start packing?" Vinnie said making me smile immediately. 

"Okay." I got up quickly and ran into the bedroom to fix my appearance a little. 

I took off my shorts and threw on some dirty jeans that I had worn another day. Then I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. 

While I was in there, I took my hair out of the bun it was in and brushed my hair out. 

 I walked out and found Vinnie waiting for me by the front door. 

"Ready love?" I nodded my head and we left the house. 

We drove to our favorite local cafe which we came to all the time. 

We both got our usuals. I got an iced coffee with almond milk and a bagel with turkey, cream cheese, and spinach. Vinnie got an iced black coffee and egg, bacon, and cheese bagel. 

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