~Chapter 41~

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I woke up wrapped in sheets. The sun was barely shining through the windows of the bedroom.

Vinnie's arm was wrapped around my waist and his head was snuggled into my neck.

I started to gently rub and scratch his back. After a few minutes, his head popped up. He scooted closer to me and brought me closer to him.

"I missed you." He leaned up and pecked my cheek.

"I missed you so much," I whispered back to him.

He sat up from laying down and turned so that now I was laying on top of him.

"That night I went to the party, Brad was there. He told me you deserved better than me and that I was going to hurt you. I didn't believe him until he started talking about how similar he and I are." It all started making sense.

"I just blew up. I wanted to protect you from me. I didn't want to hurt you because you don't deserve that."

It made a lot more sense now. It makes me sad to think that I blamed myself for so long. I fell into a dark hole over something that wasn't my fault.

"What made you come back?" I asked looking up at him.

"When I saw the look on your face when you saw me with that girl, it broke me because I didn't want to be there with her. I wanted to be there with you."

"So what does that make us now?" Vinnie reached over and into his nightstand.

"I want you to have this back. If you'll take it." It was the promise ring he had gotten me for Christmas.

"Yeah, I'll take it back." I put one hand on the side of his face and brought his face closer to mine.

His lips were smooth and warm like they had been since the first time we kissed.

When we released the kiss, he slid the ring back on my finger.

We lay there while we caught up on everything that we have missed in each other's lives.

"Jett is going to be so happy."

"Why Jett?"

"While we were separated I started drinking really heavily again and I was staying at Jett's most of the time so he had to deal with a lot of bullshit."

No matter what anyone said, Jett was a perfect best friend. Just like Devin. He is always there for Vinnie and he always keeps in line to the best of his ability.

"He will be really happy to see you. He misses you." Vinnie is always around Jett and all those guys so when I wasn't seeing Vinnie, I wasn't seeing my friends either.

"I miss them too."

Venice jumped on the bed and came to lay in between Vinnie and I.

Venice was a lot bigger now than she was when I got her. She could fit in my hands when I first got her. Now she was four times that.

We sat and snuggled with Venice for a while before I heard my phone ring from the nightstand.

I leaned over and looked at who was calling me.


"My mom is calling me." I looked at Vinnie before answering the phone.

"Hello," I said softly.

"Hey, Shay! Where are you?" Her voice was loud and cheery.

"I'm just at a friend's house right now."

"Oh okay, sweetie. Well, I was just calling to see if you could come home. I'm finally out of that place I was in."

The doctors wanted her to stay in for at least a year. The one doctor told me if she got out any earlier it wouldn't be good.

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