Chapter 7 - Right Before the Concert - Part 1

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"The über driver will pick us up in an hour" Lily said. "My gosh I can't wait to see the sound check and the concert" Lily was super excited. "Look at you, you look so pretty tonight." She was stroking your hair.

"Aw, thanks" you answered. You held her hand quickly"Thank you so much for taking me with you and doing all this for me." "You know that ever since my depression after the break up, it has been really hard to take care of myself or to feel good about myself. So thank you for glamming me up."

Lily gave a deep sigh. "Yes, I know and I will never forgive Mister you know who! Let's not think about him now. Anyways, I'm hungry...I'm gonna go down to the lobby and see what kind of snacks they have in the store."

Before you could say anything, Lily was already out of the door going downstairs. You sat on the bed and looked at yourself in the mirror across from you."Perhaps this is what Jim would have liked" you thought. "A girl that always looked like this" He eventually told you that you were just a plane Jane and basically not good enough for him. You felt some tears coming, and you quickly wiped them. "Argh, don't ruin the make-up now".

Lily went into the store and looked for snacks "Maybe some peanuts and a banana will do" she thought as she looked through the shelves to see what else they had. As she turned around to pay at the cashier, she screamed "OH MY GOD, Michelle Hui!!! Is that you!". Michelle looked at Lily "Lily, oh my gosh, oh my gosh" and they hugged each other.

Michelle Hui was a true BTS army. She has been following them from the beginning of their career. She has been to every concert and even got a chance to interview them one time. Michelle Hui was huge, she had 3 million followers on her Instagram. Nowadays she also got many product endorsements and often got invited to events. Sometimes she would even fly on a private jet. Michelle Hui, was the girl that Lily aspired to be. The two had never met each other in real life, but they often spoke to each other over Instagram.

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe that you are here! Are you going to the concert tonight?" asked Lily. She wanted someone to pinch her to see if this was a dream. "Ugh" Michelle answered "You won't believe what happened". My phone and laptop got stolen. Now I can't get into my tickets for tonight, seriously I'm about to cry."

"Oh noooo" Lily looked shocked "Why don't you go with me and log into my phone for your tickets?". "It's not that" Michelle said "I bought a new phone and tried to download everything. Stupid me, I forgot all my passwords." So I'm not able to login from your phone either".

"Yikes" Lily said "How can you forget your passwords?" Michelle looked at her annoyed "Seriously! You are going to ask me that question now? "Man, if only I could buy another ticket. Hey, you don't happen to sell one do you? I would pay triple for what you paid".

Lily was thinking for a moment "Gosh if only she and Michelle could go together." To be seen with Michelle at the concert that would be huge...Maybe she could.....Snap out of it Lily" she quickly thought "How can you even think that, what kind of friend are you." She looked at Michelle with pity "No, I'm sorry, I don't. But give me your room number, in case someone is selling theirs. So I know where to find you." The two carried on their conversation about how the situation sucked at the moment.

Upstairs you were waiting for Lily. Lily surely took a long time to buy a few snacks. You scrolled through your phone and looked at Instagram. You laughed about some reels and scrolled further. All of a sudden you saw this picture and you felt overwhelmed with sadness.

Lily came into the room "Oh my god! You would never believe who I met and what happened!" She shouted.

Lily looked at you ready to tell the whole story. But then she saw that you were sobbing. She quickly put her snacks on the table and ran to you. While putting an arm around you she asked "What's wrong?" Then she saw that you were still staring at your phone. She took the phone out of your hands and looked at it.

"What? NO?" She shouted. There it was, it was Jim's feed with a hand of a girl wearing a big ring. 'Engaged' the caption said with ten hearts. After that Jim wrote a whole poem about finally getting married to the love of his life.

"What the hell" Lily said "Isn't that the ring he gave to you, and you gave back to him after you found out he cheated?". You nodded but couldn't say anything as tears poured out from your eyes again. You started crying so hard that your whole body was shacking. "Oh no, no, no" Lily said and quickly passed you some tissues. All of a sudden you felt like throwing up and quickly ran to the bathroom. "What a mess" Lily thought. You wanted to stop crying but you couldn't and your make up was totally ruined and now you also smelled like puke as well.

"I'm so sorry Lily" you said when you came out of the bathroom. I don't think I could go to the concert tonight "I'm just so...".

"Shhhh" Lily said "It's ok". "

"But you already spent so much effort and money on all of this" you felt really bad but there was no way you could go feeling, looking, and smelling like this.

"No worries, I already got a solution... you stay in the hotel room tonight...but I really have to go...are you ok by yourself?". "You nodded" all you wanted to do was put on your pyjamas and crawl under your blanket and not talk to anyone.

Lily quickly grabbed the phone in the room "Oh yes, room 405 please....thanks..yes I will hold". "Hello? Hey, Michelle, guess what......You gonna pay me triple right?".

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