Chapter 52 Feelings inside Part 2

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Namjoon looked at his neck in the mirror. "Shit, the mark was quite big" He thought. He had a feeling that Sieun was really messing around with him. "What did she mean when she was saying she had to find out, what did she had to find out?" Namjoon sighed. He always hated it when he was left in the dark about things.

He looked at her text message. It said: "Not on the train, will not tell you where I am, we will talk soon. Don't look for me and don't tell Bang PD". 

"Yeah she was really out to mess with him. Where the hell did she go, and how did she get away with it, didn't someone pick her up at the lobby?. Shit...this girl"...Namjoon thought while shaking his head "She really gave him a headache".

His phone ranged and it was Bang PD...."Ugh, what was he going to tell him now about Sieun?"



"All good? Package on the train?" Bang PD asked.

"What was he suppose to tell him" Namjoon thought about the text that Sieun wrote him, perhaps he should just trust her. After all she was an adult. On the other hand, he couldn't help but thinking, if he didn't say something and something were to happen to would be his fault".

"Namjoon, are you there?"

"Uh yeah....all good, yeah package is on the train... Namjoon paused..that didn't sound right to him.

"Why are we still calling her package? Can't we just call her by her name?" Namjoon asked. "No one is here to listen in with our conversation..sooo".

"Ok, ok, Sieun got safely on the train?" asked Bang PD.

"yeah, yeah...." Namjoon lied and prayed that she was going to return home safely soon and that he would hear something from her. At least that she would tell him where she was.

"Ok great, uhhhh ..I just wanted to let you know the demo you made with So Yoon, yeah it's a go ahead. You are shooting tomorrow"

"Wait, what tomorrow?" Namjoon was shocked, he had not prepared that much.

"Yeah, be at the studio around 3 pm, I will text you the address. The director only has time tomorrow, and So Yoon is preparing for a tour. So we need to do this quickly. Also, we need to keep our investors happy. Every collaboration before you guys enlist counts. I hope you understand the urgency"

"Yeah, I understand" Namjoon said. Besides, he was looking forward to see So Yoon, she was one of those artists he really got along with. She understood him, his way of thinking, and his jokes. Whenever So Yoon was around at a party or something, he felt comfortable. Like they had known each other for years. Also, her music and creativity..he was always so mesmerised by her art. He really was excited about this little project with her. 

"Smoke Sprite is such a great number" he thought... he quickly went over the lyrics and sang his part in front of the mirror.

"Shit....that mark in my neck. I have to make sure I will cover it up tomorrow". All of a sudden he got all these mixed feelings inside and he had so many questions. "Why did she kissed him like that? What was she trying to find out for herself? Why did she even come to Seoul? Where the hell was Sieun now?'.

Namjoon - The boy with the dragon eyes - KNJ - RM Kim NamjoonWhere stories live. Discover now