Chapter 21 -The next morning - Part 1

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"Aaaarrgggghhhh" you barried your head in the hotel pillow and screamed.

"Jeeezzzzz.. Lily said, what is up with you" ever since the concert last night, you have not been saying much. What's wrong? Did Jim text you again? Cause he needs to back off, I will catch a plane to LA right now and will tell him in his face! Lily said angry.

"No, no , no need for that" It's just that I don't know what to do at the moment and I'm confused. You stared at the ceiling and placed the pillow on your face.

"careful now" Lily took the pillow off "you are gonna kill yourself this way. "Can I do anything to make you feel better?How about a little shopping?"

"noooo" you said " that is not for me, that's for you! "You are the one that wants to go shopping , why aren't you just honest?"

"Jeeezzzz, ok ok" Lily said...what is going on with you?"

"Shoot" you thought, why did he had to start off with a lie?

Why did he tell you that he was head of the security?..When clearly he was NOT" But yeah he casually forgot to mention, btw...I'm a BIG STARRR...yeah he totally forgot to mention that. 

He said he would call in the morning. You took a deep breath. It made sense now, that's why he was able to speak Korean, and thats why people were running in and out his room. Also thats why he looked so good. His arms, his beautiful arms, his dimples and his dragon eyes. ...shut up..think straight you thought. He lied and that was it!

You had been waiting by the phone, but wasn't sure if you wanted him to call or not. But he didn't call, it was almost noon now and no call. "Liar, liar, liar" you thought...even that he couldn't just call you. Perhaps it was for the best that he didn't call. Where was this gonna go anyways? Cause news flash he was a big star and you were just ...a girl ...without a job...who's fiancé just dumped her...A girl who he lied to, saying he was the head of the security. He had many opportunities to tell me who he really was. Why didn't he?

You picked up your phone, but there were no miss calls or whatsoever.

"Why do you keep looking at your phone?" Lily asked. "Is you know who bugging you?"

"No" it's not that...and you put your pillow on your face again. But all you could see were those dragon eyes. "Why would he call me anyways" you thought "Look at him, and now look at me...a mess". I guess this is all we can do from now on.

While you were deep in your thoughts, you fell asleep and dosed off. For a couple of hours you were out. You did not sleep the whole night, because so many thoughts went through your head. 

You fell in a deep sleep. A few hours later, you woke up and all of a sudden in the distance you could hear his voice. You slowly tried to open your eyes, where did the voice come from?

It was Lily, watching YouTube video's...."Ahhh you are awake" she said. She shoved her iPhone under your nose. "Look at my bias, this was from last night"

"Ugh" you thought "this is really all I can do now, me just looking at him from a distance. He is never going to call me...and again, I should not want him to call me, because..because was all just a lie."

Namjoon - The boy with the dragon eyes - KNJ - RM Kim NamjoonWhere stories live. Discover now