Chapter 24 The call Part 2

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The whole day they recorded their song. This song was written in a hurry. When they tried to get them out of military duty they knew there was chance that their request would be denied. They had so many meetings about all the possibilities. This song "Yet to come" had to be written fast, in case they got word that they had to serve.

Namjoon was not too happy with the end result. He knew they could have done better, if they had a little bit more time. Anyways it is what it is, he thought.

He had hoped that he would have a bit of time alone, so that he could make that promised phone call. But the whole day was packed with shooting content and there were too many people around him.

It was 7.30pm and all of a sudden he heard the director shouting "That's a wrap". He couldn't help it but felt a relief. He would be back at the hotel around 8.00pm, that would probably still be a good time to call her, he thought.

He got back to his room and looked at his phone a few times. Maybe he shouldn't call her and just forget about everything. What was he gonna say anyways? He already lied to her a couple of times. First he never told her who he really was. Then he promised her to call first thing in the morning, but he never did.

Namjoon lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling. He looked at his phone, he saved her number in there. He started biting his nails. It was a habit he had when he was a bit nervous.

"What the hell am I doing?' Namjoon thought. So if he now called her, where did he expected this to go? But he promised her that he would give her something. He reached in his pocket ..yeah it was time to give her a call.

The phone rang a couple of times, but no one picked up. He took a deep breath. "See" he thought she doesn't even want to speak to me. She is not picking up, I just have to leave at that.

Namjoon stood up and took a shower. It was a long day and he was still tired from the concert. The water felt so good, it was nice and hot. He always liked taking a shower before going to bed. No matter how tired he was. While the water poured all over his body, he closed his eyes...suddenly she appeared in his thoughts. He couldn't help but wondering what she was doing at the moment. Was she not picking up his call on purpose? Maybe she was angry with him...or could she genuinely not have seen that someone was calling her?

He closed his eyes while trying to relax and enjoy the shower, but all he could do was think of her. Her eyes, her lips, her hair...god her hair smelled so good.

He turned the water off and stepped out of the bathroom, he quickly grabbed a towel and dried himself. Man, it was a bit chilly in his room. All of a sudden his phone rang....bzzzz...bzzzz...

It was her, she was calling him back. Namjoon almost dropped his phone from excitement. Gosh what was he gonna say now? His phone kept ringing...bzzzz...bzzzz.

Shit, he picked up and said with a deep voice: Hello!

Oh hi...uhhh hello ..thank you for calling me back...yess...I'm so sorry I wanted to call you earlier, but we had a change of schedule and I am so sorry, I couldn't get away from it. But I really wanted to call you earlier as promised.

Namjoon gathered all his courage;"If you have no plans tonight, would you like to hang out in my hotel room? Oh, I'm sorry, that must have sound strange...what I meant was..yeah my hotel room. Namjoon closed his eyes for a second "Fool" he thought.

"I'm sorry, it's just that I can't really go any other places..even though I would love too". "Man" he thought and squinted his eyes...Aisssshhhhh....I don't know maybe you don't want to be in my room, I really just mean hanging out. I I said the other time, I have something for you that I would like for you to have. If you don't trust me, I can ask my bodyguard to hang out with us. I...." 

"O gosh" he thought...where was he going with this conversation? He was so nervous.

Oh wait what, would like to come? mmmm can someone pick you up in an half an hour? I...I would have picked you up myself..but I ....Namjoon started stuttering.

All of a sudden she finished the sentence for him. "you can't be seen outside..." "I get it, text me who will pick me up in half an hour. I will see you soon"

"Yeah..." said Namjoon with excitement...."mmmm" he tried to calm his voice " I will see you soon indeed".

Namjoon hang up. Now that was the worst phone call he ever had with a girl...; I will see you soon indeed??? what the hell was I thinking?

He started fidgeting and walked around his room. What did he just do? He just invited her to his room and she said yes. Come to think of it, he never really asked girls to hang out in his room. She would be the first. Ohhh shittt, I need to arrange someone to pick her up. But pick her up where?

He quickly texted her and asked her the address and told her that the same security guy from the concert would pick her up.

"ahhh, Ricardo" she texted back and gave him her hotel address.

Namjoon smiled, she remembered....oh that hotel was right across from him. He could see the balconies of the hotel.That's where he heard someone screaming the other day. He quickly peeked from behind his curtains....which room would be hers? He thought.

Oh shit...he thought again. Ricardo...I need to inform Ricardo to pick her up.

After that he was standing in front of his closet. He didn't know what to wear. What would she be wearing?...shit..why did I say in half an hour...I think I need at least  another hour.

He was overwhelmed with excitement. Something he had not felt in a long time..It gave him a nice and warm feeling inside...The thought that he was going to see her, that he wanted to look nice for someone..he kind of forgot the last time he felt this way. He decided to wear something casual. He threw on his baggy jeans and his 1977 hoodie.

He looked in the mirror...too casual? perhaps but he wanted her to see that relaxed side of him.

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