☼ hello!

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☼ : scenarios
— mild psh —

when della first met her idol friends

! treasure's especially long since there's TWELVE members !

!! i'm procrastinating terribly so i made a whole ass chapter within a couple of hours lmao so this must be really bad, i'm so sorry !!

!! i'm procrastinating terribly so i made a whole ass chapter within a couple of hours lmao so this must be really bad, i'm so sorry !!

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"Yedam, this is your co-star for today. This is Kang Della."

"Hello," "Hello," the two bowed to each other.

"Bang Yedam," he reached out for a handshake with a bow.

"Kang Della," and she was dying inside. This is THE Bang Yedam.

"We'll start filming your scenes together in about thirty minutes or so, okay?" the two let out a 'yes' before being left alone.

"Excuse me, but are you a YG trainee?" Yedam feels as if he's seen (and heard of) her somewhere before.

"Yes, I was!" she smiled. "I moved companies now though."

"Ahh, that's why I feel like I've seen you," he nodded. "I feel like I keep hearing 'Kang Della' too, you're quite popular, I think."

Holy shit, Bang Yedam has heard of me.

"Ahh no, I'm really not," she shook her hands. "Not like you, at least."

"Aihh, it's not like that," he smiled and shook his head.

"Everyone knows you-"

"No, no, no," he shook his hand. "I think you might be more popular. 'Baby Jennie' aren't you?" what he said made her really shy.

"Noo," but just with that as a starter, they were able to hold a conversation for half an hour straight.


"You know my co-star is 'Baby Jennie'?" Yedam told his members when they arrived.

"Really?! No way!" Hyunsuk's eyes widened.

"They let a trainee be your co-star?!" Jihoon was more surprised at that.

"No, she trains in a different company now," the younger explained. "You should talk to her, she's actually really cool."

"I want to say hello to the girl, anyone wanna join?" Hyunsuk asked the other members.

"I'll join!" Jihoon, Mashiho and Jaehyuk raised their hands.

"You're going?" Asahi raised an eyebrow.

"She's Baby Jennie," Jaehyuk shrugged.

"Okay then I'll join but just 'cause I'm curious," being an extreme introvert, he wouldn't usually want to tag along. Yet for some reason, he decided to this time.

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