Chapter 47: Are We There Yet?

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(A/N: YAY! I'm here to write, feels like forever doesn't it? Well, it's not! Est-ce que je peux boire de l'eau? If someone can tell me what that means without going on translate and typing the response in french, then I'll dedicate the next chappie to you <3 I wanna try more things to dedicate things to you, at least to make it fair { :) } )

Chapter 47 :D Omg...almost 50, that's crazy! 


Skyler's POV

 "Come on! Jump." Zayn bent over a little, but fans were squealing at the looks of us.

"What?" I laughed, scared to get on in front of everyone. Zayn brought me to him, patting the back of my thighs, and I jumped on.

"You know, you're insane, right?" I held my giggle in as he carried me on his back to the hotel.

"No, baby girl, I'm inzayn, remember?" Zayn let out a chuckle, pushing me up so I was more supported.

"You're such a dork." I rolled my eyes, only playfully though.

"You love me though, so it's okay to be dork-ish." Zayn responded, pulling open the door of the hotel with his foot, a couple of fans squealed, but kept their distance.

Zayn reached his hand to press the elevator button, but someone grabbed me.

"Ah!" I shrieked, reaching my hands out like a maniac to reach Zayn, but he turned around, and laughed.

"GOTCHA!" Louis screamed, setting me down, I simply glared at him, going inside of the elevator.

"Wait! Skyleeerrr! We want to go to a party!" Louis jumped up and down, I stared at him confused, but came out of the elevator, looking at Zayn.

"What party?" I questioned.

"We're going to have a party the day before our concert here! It's at a beach house, a massive one at that." Louis explained, Harry and Liam came out of the elevator in the matter of time.

"What about Niall, Mazelynn, and Aiden?" I questioned, still a little worried about them.

"Niall said he'd rather take care of the two of them, plus if we need him, he'll come get us, he thinks they need more time to spend together." Louis responded.

"Zayn?" I raised my eye brow, he seemed a little disappointed, but nodded, I just shrugged.

"Come on! You two have to go!" Harry begged, laughing.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think you guys should come, take some time to relax." Liam replied, encouraging us to go.

"What do we have to wear?" I quizzed, looking at the three boys who were looking excited.

"Your bathing suits and something to cover it, see, I'm wearing a shirt and my bathing suit bottoms, just like Louis and Liam." Harry pointed at the other lads.

"Okay." I nodded, letting Zayn take my hand, and we walked into the elevator.

"We'll wait for you down here!" Liam told us, we nodded as the doors closed.

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