Chapter 22: Paparazzi, Management, and A Concert

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(A/N: Does anyone know Jason Mraz, the one who sings 'I Won't Give Up' and 'I'm Yours?' Yes? No? Maybe? I know him personally...he's an amazing person/singer. He's a family friend, if you want me to give a message to him, leave it in the comments xx)

Chapter 22 :D


Skyler's POV

"SKYLER! ZAYN! OVER HERE!" I heard people shouting.

I looked over at Zayn who was trying to figure out who was calling us.

Oh no, paparazzi.




"Skyler, come here." Zayn pulled me into his chest, as the paparazzi got closer, snapping a ton of photos.

"Zayn? Are we going to get out of here?" I looked up at him as he was protecting me from them.

"Yes, baby girl, we are, come on." Zayn grabbed my hand, my stomach was full on showing the scars, maybe a few stitches too. I know my bruises on my legs were noticeable, maybe even more cuts around my body. They're going to see the cuts on my wrist, it doesn't hurt that much anymore, but you can still see it clearly.

"ARE YOU TWO ENGAGED YET?!" Another man shouted, all of the flashes, clicks, and shouting so many questions, my mind is not going to take this all. And cue the headache...ugh.

Zayn picked me up, getting me into the car, he hopped in, driving on back. I fixed myself into the passenger seat, I still can't get over how different the cars are, they're just switched, it's so different.

"So, I'm pregnant, maybe engaged, or married." I said, buckling up.

"Oh no, you're going to hate the birth, Larry was hard enough." Zayn smirked, passing a chuckle.

"If it's worst than this headache, I'm going to explode." I made hand gestures of an explosion.

"You have a headache? Is it that bad?" Zayn laced our hands together, trying to pay attention on the road, but he kept looking back and forth at me and the road.

"Yeah, just keep your eyes on the road, I'm fine, it just hurts."  I shook it off, focusing on how huge the directioners got, there was a gigantic crowd, it was even covering the back, how are we supposed to get into the hotel??

"Uh...Zayn, what are we going to do?" I looked over at him, he was parked on the other side, we had to go across the street to the hotel, they're going to end up spotting us...

"We're going to have to get through it, shove through, or tell them to step aside. Let's go." Zayn got out of the car, opened my door before I could.

Zayn and I crossed the street, I don't think anyone noticed yet.

"Just lower your head." Zayn whispered to me, looking down, and messing up his hair.

I looked down, not facing anyone.

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