Chapter 5: Shocked?

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: laly13
                            's Chapter 5 :D


Skyler's POV

Niall and Mason were hovering over me as I was layed out on the pool chair, they covered the sun, so I took the sunglasses off and looked at them.

"Hi..." It felt awkward.

"We should go for a walk." Mazzie smiled.

"We could bring Zayn, it'll be the four of us." Niall smiled.

"Well, alright. When do Danielle and Eleanor come?" I asked Niall.

"Two days from now." Niall said, as he walked over to Zayn who was with Liam and Aiden.

"He likes youuu." I sang, like I did the other night.

"I know...he tried asking me out, but I keep avoiding the question." Mazzie admitted, rubbing her arm.

"Sure, we could go for a walk." Zayn said, as Niall and Zayn were walking over here.

"Okay, walking time." I said, getting up from the chair and following them.

Zayn stood beside me a lot as we were walking, our hands sometimes touched, and we both blushed, we'd smiled at each other everytime. Then our hands did it again, except Zayn laced his fingers with mine, it felt nice holding hands with someone so gentle, not grabbing your hand and tossing you somewhere. I pushed out those bad thoughts for a moment, realizing I'm with the nicest, most gentlest people.

Niall had his arm around Mazzie's waist as they walked, ugh why won't they just date already, they're so cute.

Now all four of us were walking in a line sorta, no one was in front and no one was in back, a line.

We look like couples going on a double date, old couples looked at us and smiled. We waved to them as they sat on a bench, snuggling and reading a newspaper, I like that relationship better than Romeo and Juliet's.

It was a beautiful day today, it was about 5 so the sun should set pretty soon. We must have walked pretty far because, we were on the street on Mazzie's flat.

"Look, we're at my flat." Mazzie giggled, pointing there.

"Your flat is original on the inside, I like that, mine used to be plain and boring." Niall said, smiling.

"Sk-Skyler...look!" Mazzie dropped her gaze from Niall's and had her eyes on something else.

I looked where she was looking, I could see two people standing there, a couple, the sun was shining in my eyes, so I put my hand on the top, I could see my parents! What are they doing here!?

"Oh my god." I said.

"Who are they?" Zayn whispered in my ear.

"P-parents." I said, scared, they were right in front of us, about seven feet away actually.



"YOU TWO ARE LIKE THE MR. AND MRS. DEVIL. YOU DON'T TOUCH HER AGAIN! I DON'T EVER WANT YOU TWO AROUND HER, SHE HAS DONE NOTHING TO DESERVE THIS!" Mazzie started yelling, standing in front of Niall, I moved in front of Zayn, touching her arm, but Zayn pulled me behind him.

Stole My Heart (Zayn Malik Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें