Chapter 15: Don't Worry About Me

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(A/N: Yay! Updating time, woo! if you aren't as excited as me, this is awkward...)

Chapter 15 :D


Skyler's POV

"Oh my god, Skyler." Mazzie had dry tear streaks on her cheeks. Aiden looked so confused, he looked at me, tilting his head.

"Thank god, you're okay." Harry closed his eyes, biting his lip, he seemed a lot worried, like Zayn, he had one tear streak on his face. Aw.

Niall ran his fingers through his hair, looked nervous.

Liam and Danielle looked panicked, Eleanor was crying big time, still is, Louis was comforting her.

"You had us all worried sick." Danielle spoke.

"Y-yeah, please d-don't let this h-happen the day before w-we leave!" Eleanor begged.

"I won't!" I replied, promising.

Zayn sat back into a chair, sighing in relief.

"Please, you guys are truly worrying me, please don't be worried." I looked at all of them, they looked extremely tired, how long have I been in here?

"Little difficult, love." Harry replied, doing his hair flip.

The doctor came in, surprised to see so many people piled into the room.

"Well, wasn't expecting this many, will you all please wait in the waiting room?" The doctor asked.

"Please let Zayn stay." I begged, pointing at Zayn who was about to get up.

"It's really something important I have to talk to you about, do you really want him to stay?" The doctor looked at Zayn, then down at me.

I nodded quickly, everyone else went back into the waiting room.

"Okay, so I know you are perfectly fine from the water, that's great news, but, when we did check you out, we noticed scars that weren't cleaned good. What happened?" The doctor questioned me.

"The scars are from a while back, I was always so clumsy, even at school, I tried cleaning them myself...but I never did a good job, at the time I thought I did. Is there something wrong with them?" I hoped that sounded convincing. Zayn was wide eyed the whole time, he didn't know what I was going to do, he studied the doctors expression.

"Well, we might have to clean them better, they might be infected though. The only way to know is if they are hurting, itching, bleeding randomly, or non-healing." The doctor counted with his fingers.

"Hurting and non-healing, they are scars, y'know." I replied.

"Okay, we'll need to keep you here for two nights. Do you have parents we can contact?" The doctor was watching me.

"No, I moved out, I live with Mazelynn, she's 18 almost 19, she's like my guardian." I said, biting my lip.

"Is she here?" 

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