chapter three

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+  S C A R L E T T   D ' A N G E L O +

You ever seen that scene from Texas Chainsaw Massacre with all the blood?

Yeah, that's what my bathroom looks like right now.

Kai was sitting on the edge of my bathtub while I sat beside him, carefully rinsing his wound with a cloth. He wasn't looking at me, but he was shaking his leg vigarously.

"Are you alright?" I asked again, this time softer.

"I'm fucking fine-" He snapped, "It hurts." 

I flinched at the harshness of his words and nodded, biting my lip to contain the tears that infiltrated my eyes.

Once I was done dampening the cut, I placed a dry towel over it, watching it turn red with blood. 

"I'll be back with the first aid kit." I mumbled, exiting the room in search of the first aid kit I had stashed away somewhere.

"Prozac." Kai says when I enter the room again. I notice he's holding my pill bottle and sigh, "Yep." 

He studies me intently, standing up off the bathtub and towering over me.

"I apologise for yelling at you sweetheart, I didn't mean to scare you." He said softly, his good hand cupping my chin. 

There it is again. That sweetheart. The nickname that made my heart swoon and my insides throb. 

I smiled, "Thank you for apologising." 

"You're gonna need stitches. Either I can do it myself or I can call a doctor or something." 

Kai smirks, "You know have to do stitches?" 

I shrugged, "Probably not very well but yes. I've learnt how to do them over the years." 

I stretched my muscles, lifting my arms and hearing my back crack satisfyingly.

I almost punched Kai in the face when I felt his hands on my stomach.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked.

My skin was exposed from when I stretched and my shirt was caught in a bunched up pile, "I'm sorry. Your skin is just so smooth." He said in a hushed tone.

"I remembered how it felt yesterday... touching mine." 

And once again I was in a loop, entranced in his spell. I was on my way to grab my suture kit when there was a knock at the door.

I was confused as to who would be knocking this late but I opened, not know whats happening until I'm pinned on the ground.

"What the fuck-" I swore, a knee in the middle of my back. My hands are bound behind my back, being twisted even more.

"Where the hell is the boss?" Someone said. I felt the cool metal of a gun pressing against my temple. "W-what? Who?" I stammered, tears blurring my vision.

"Kai, where is he?" The guy threatened. "In the b-bathroom." I was stumbling over my own words, the taste of blood in my mouth as I bit down on my tongue.

I squeezed my eyes shut, what the hell is happening.

"Hey let her go! Now!" I was relieved to hear Kai's voice and quickly scrambled from the man's grasp, raising my hands in surrender as he aimed his gun at me.

The guy glared, a tight scar across his cheek. He had a shaved head and tattoo's all over his neck. He wasn't nice to look at like Kai was.

"Guns down McKenzie, she's with me." 

I was shaking with fear, eyes wide.

"We pinged your location to this apartment, we wanted to make sure it wasn't a hostage situation." 

Kai made two steps forward and pulled my shaking hands from my face, "She was helping me. You losers didn't pick up your phones, she was a last resort." He shrugged.

I frowned, I was a last resort? 

Why did that affect me so much?

Shaking the feeling off, I calmed myself down, "He called me and I was just helping with his cut, you're welcome to take him though, wouldn't want to get shot." I joked, laughing humourlessly.

"Hey I know you. You're the- the D'Angelo girl aren't ya?" The blonde one who pointed the gun at me said. I nodded.

He was chewing his gum with his mouth open. Made me cringe. 

"I am, is that a problem?" I quirked an eyebrow.

He shook his head, "No. Just wondering." 

For some reason I felt like his words had another meaning behind them. I looked to Kai, already finding him looking at me. 

"We'll finish up here and go, yeah? You two can wait out here." Kai dismissed them, taking my hand back into the bathroom.

Once the door was shut, I reached for my anxiety meds, twisting the cap but failing miserably as dried blood stained the cap. 

"Here." Kai whispered, popping the cap with one click. He handed it back to me and I took two pills out, swallowing them without water.

I couldn't figure out what he was feeling right now. But his eyes were on me the whole time. 

"You should be okay for now, just don't let any water touch it for a few hours." I bandaged the rest of his cut after butterfly-stitching it until he can get to a real doctor.

He didn't trust me to actually stitch him.

"Thank you, sweetheart. And I'm sorry about earlier, are you alright?" His features softened immediately as he brushed a piece of hair behind my ear.

I was at a loss for words before I snapped out of it, "I'm fine." 

He didn't seem to believe me. Instead, he leaned down to kiss my lips. It was the gentlest of kisses I'd ever felt, and when his tongue entered my mouth, I forgot everything I was feeling before.

I fell into him, my body pressing against his. He was shirtless, afterall. And the hardness of his abs was touching my skin.

I nearly fainted when he groaned and pulled away, "We can't do this, not here." He shook his head, looking away from me.

Suddenly I felt insecure, "Yeah, sorry." I said sheepishly, awkwardly hiding my face.

"Thanks for uh- this." He nodded, leaving the bathroom quickly.

I waited until they were gone and an extra twenty minutes after that just to be doubly sure. And when the apartment was empty, with no trace of boys or guns or violence, I relaxed. 

Finally sinking in that I have my own apartment and that I, am finally free.

+ + + l̶͍̮̖͍̄̈́o̸̖͚̤̘̘̤̘̫̐v̸͕̿͋̚͝͝͠e̴̛̥͈͚̤̎̍͂̄̉̒͝͝ͅ + + +

Hi guys,

I hope this chapter wasn't too boring or short, I'm trying to ease the characters into the story before I finally heat things up. 

I hope you're ready though, the next few chapters are... interesting to say the least.

ALSO, keep an eye out for my new book coming soon. It's a Dystopian story. Lots of action, adventure, supernatural creatures etc...

Anyway, happy reading guys Xx

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