chapter eighteen

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+ S C A R L E T T   D ' A N G E L O +


I sniffled, I haven't topped crying since I got up this morning.

I checked my phone;

No new notifications.

Not that I was expecting any anyway. 

I stared at the candle in the cupcake I had bought and lit it, watching the flame dance.

"Happy birthday to me." I whispered, blowing out the candle, another tear falling from my cheek. I didn't even want to eat it.

It was my first birthday without my Mom. No one to sing happy birthday to me or wake me up with balloons. She was the only person who cared, my own father hasn't even called. 

I blinked away unshed tears and pulled my sleeves over my hands, rubbing my eyes raw until I grew angry with myself.

My birthday ends in fifty-two minutes and all I've done is mope around and feel sorry for myself. Of course I'm allowed to, my mother's dead. But still, it's my twenty-first birthday.

Speaking of, I acted upon impulse so quickly that I had only registered I was in the alcohol section of the supermarket until I was staring at over-priced wine.

Picking up the prettiest bottle I could find, I headed over to the cashier.

"Fancy seeing you here." Someone said. I turned my head, seeing Jordan.

"Hey Jordan." I blushed. I kind of avoided Jordan, for a really, really long time. He eyed my wine and then looked back at my face, "Long day huh?" 

I actually laughed, "You have no idea." 

I paid for my wine and waited for Jordan to finish. "So how've you been?" I asked, striking up conversation.

It was hard to focus with so many things running through my mind.

I haven't spoken to Kai in over a week. I know he went to my mother's funeral because he asked me where I was. Then I imagined him in a suit and touched myself until I felt something other than depression.

Then the depression came back and I was a lazy sack of potatoes watching true-crime movies.

"Scarlett?" He asked, "Hmm? Sorry." I apologised.

"I asked if you were alright, you've been avoiding me and now I see you again buying a sixty dollar wine." He chuckles nervously.

I notice we're outside and it's raining a little.

I like the rain, it's very refreshing.

"Do you want the honest truth?" 

It was quiet in the parking lot. 

To be fair though, the supermarket was closing in like twenty minutes. But I liked that it was quiet. I could hear my thoughts, the air was nice. And the breeze made me breathe a little easier.

"It's my birthday today." 

Jordan's face fell open, "Happy birthday." He stammered, his lips morphing into a smile, "Why are you sad though?" 

"Because my mom died." 

His smile turned in to an immediate frown as he jumped over his words. I waited for him to say something, until he never did.

Instead, he reached into one of his bags and pulled out a chocolate bar, "I was going to eat it but I think you need it more than I do." 

I smiled, taking the chocolate off him, "I should really get going but um- it was good to see you again." I said, starting in the direction of my car.

"Yeah, you too. Uh- I'll call you." 

+ + + l̶͍̮̖͍̄̈́o̸̖͚̤̘̘̤̘̫̐v̸͕̿͋̚͝͝͠e̴̛̥͈͚̤̎̍͂̄̉̒͝͝ͅ + + +

I sat comfortably against the stool at my bar, eating the last of my cereal I had in the cupboard.

I wasn't expecting anyone today but when a knock sounded I must admit, I was excited. I haven't spoken or seen actual people in days.

I've only been thinking about Kai. I wonder if he's been thinking about me too...

"THANK GOD you're alive." Someone swore. I jumped, how the hell did he get in my house? I saw Joseph in the corner of my eye, a hand over his heart as his eyes were wide.

I almost smiled at his dramatics, but I kept my cool.

"Are you crazy? You don't answer your phone or emails for a week, Kai's freaking out!" He exclaims. I shrug, "Let him freak out. I don't owe him anything."

He sighs, taking a seat next to me, "C'mon now Scar, he said he was sorry."

I shook my head. "He hasn't apologised to me, at all. In fact, he hasn't even explained anything. I just want to know who the fuck Jerry McFarlane is and why my Mom is dead." 

I dropped my head into my hands, "I just want to know why." 

Joseph rubbed my back but I moved away from him.

There was a long, long silence. Until I breathed at the same time Joseph opened his mouth, "Who're the flowers from?" 

I looked at the white roses perched on my coffee table. 

I woke up this morning to find them on my doorstep. I checked the hallway twice to make sure they weren't a trap before I picked them up. The note read;

Happy birthday Scarlett, I am so sorry about your Mom.

- Jordan

I didn't say anything to Joseph, becoming aware that not only my father forgot my birthday, but the people I've spent every day with for three months.

It's my own fault, I didn't tell anyone. 

But still...

"Jordan." I said, lifting some cereal onto my spoon, "What, he got a crush on you or something?" He chuckled.

"It was my birthday yesterday." I said calmly, placing the spoon in my mouth.

He looked at me like I just shot his cat with wide eyes, scrambling for words. I didn't look at him, just placed my bowl in the sink.

"Look, I know you're upset, but you need to snap back into reality before you're too far down the rabbit hole for anyone to bring you back." 

I scoffed, "That's rich. Nobody gives a shit about me, Joseph. Why the hell do you think the only person who's said happy birthday to me is Jordan and the doorman?" I yelled.

He shrugged, "What do you want me to do? Kai is worried about you." 

I didn't want to believe it, because believing it would mean that I have to let people in. And letting people in is scary. 

I shook my head, "I'm fine. Okay? Just- go away." 

Joseph folded his arms, "Is that why I can smell the wine on you from here?" He was smirking, almost laughing at this point. 

I rolled my eyes, "If I have a shower and come with you, will you promise to stop harassing me?" I pressed. He nodded, "Good. My Mom just died dude cut me some slack." 

+ + + l̶͍̮̖͍̄̈́o̸̖͚̤̘̘̤̘̫̐v̸͕̿͋̚͝͝͠e̴̛̥͈͚̤̎̍͂̄̉̒͝͝ͅ + + +


Hey y'all...

How are you? How was this chapter? 

We're FINALLY getting into the action, any thoughts on what will happen next? I do, but that's coz I'm writing it hehe!

Thanks for the reads guys, really appreciate it!


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