chapter twenty

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+ S C A R L E T T   D ' A N G E L O +

I wiped the corner of my mouth.

Kai was smirking at me, pulling his shorts up whilst he kissed me.

"I can taste myself on your lips." He whispered, kissing down my neck. I wanted more, but there was a knock at the door.

Kai groaned, "Come in." 

He moved away from me, pretending to be busy as he opened his laptop lid, "The recruits are here." Joseph said, eyeing me and then his brother.

Kai nodded, "I'll be out shortly." 

Joseph was still standing there, "It's four thirty." 

Kai mumbled a 'shit' under his breath and pushed himself out of his chair, "Joe, will you escort Scar home? I've got a two hour training session and won't be able to myself." 

Joseph nodded, smiling, "M'lady."

I winked at his gesture and turned back to Kai, "Can I watch your training session?" I asked, "I have nothing else to do and I want a distraction. Being at my apartment is making me depressed." I shrugged.

Kai sucked on his tongue, "Sure, but change first. This room is going to be full of virginal teenage boys."

+ + + l̶͍̮̖͍̄̈́o̸̖͚̤̘̘̤̘̫̐v̸͕̿͋̚͝͝͠e̴̛̥͈͚̤̎̍͂̄̉̒͝͝ͅ + + +

Kai wasn't wrong when he said 'virginal teenage boys'. 

I was standing in this room with black cargo shorts and a shirt. I was iffy about where Kai got these girls clothes from but didn't bring it up with him.

Standing behind Kai while he spoke, watching him lead and direct all these kids made my heart swoon for one of two reasons.

One, watching him yell and take control was making me wet.

And two, it broke my heart that these kids are throwing themselves into this life so early, but that Kai is here to help them through it.

"... This is not the kind of gang you and your friends join at school because you think it'll impress chicks." I zoned back in to Kai's pep-talk and listened to him finish his speech.

"It won't. And don't think I won't kill you if you fuck up." His voice was firm. The kids looked shit scared.

I laughed to myself, they have no idea what they're getting themselves into.

"The training is the easiest part. It's the initiation you should be scared for." Kai smirked. 

It worried me when Kai got all mafia-mode. It made me realise how heartless he can be. He's killed in cold blood for, as have most people I've been with my whole life.

But watching Kai act like he does around me and then switch like a light into this... thing, it's terrifying.

He threatened me the first time we met, I won't hesitate to kill you, is what he said to me. He said it so calmly, that's what made me nervous.

The kids were split up into groups, one group was using the firing range, the other the knives. One was learning how to punch, kick and one was learning how to defend.

Kai was twirling the end of his knife around his finger, leaning against the wall, watching. 

I stayed where I was, overlooking everything what was happening.

There was a terrified kid with bright orange hair and glasses looking like he was about to shit his pants, standing in the corner.

I shot up, walking over to him with a smile. 

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