chapter twenty five

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+ S C A R L E T T   D ' A N G E L O +

I had spent the entire night reading over the files Cassidy had given me.

There was so much information compact into two tiny files.

There were 5 pieces of paper in each folder, both sides were covered in information. Pictures, quotes, dates, times, people, references, etc.

She had backed up her information, with information.

It was almost 8 in the morning and I was exhausted. But it was so worth it to know everything that slimy whore Sabrina has done.

She's worse than my father. And that's saying ALOT!

But what hurt the most was the most recent log. All of her crimes and killings had stopped for a brief period, before they started up again.

It's been almost four months since my Mom died, and I was convinced it was cancer. Even though, Joseph had admitted to me that when he went to the funeral there was no body.

Which got me wondering.

Turns out, Sabrina Knightingale had killed my mother and paid Jerry McFarlane to not say anything. She blamed an innocent doctor and paid him to keep quiet.

I thanked the lords for Cassidy Miller all night.

I googled her. She wasn't too famous, just known as Sabrina's former best friend. 

They got into a public dispute in a restaurant because Sabrina hadn't tipped the wait staff and complained to the manager that her soup was cold when she hadn't even eaten it. 

Apparently Sabrina being rude to working class people was the last straw for Cassidy and she cut Sabrina off. Them Sabrina killed Cassidy's then boyfriend and his brother, delivering their heads in a plastic box.

Labeled, watch your back.

And ever since, Cassidy has been collecting evidence against Sabrina hoping to build a case. 

I stared at my phone.

I had left a message asking her to come to my place and I was waiting for her to see it and be at my doorstep in a second. I don't know, I just feel like she's that kind of person.

Instead, there was a knock on the door.

"Your doorman is so cute! Ah, he was so welcoming." Cassidy was smiling, walking straight into my apartment like she'd been here a thousand times.

"Logan is lovely." I said, closing the door after her. "This came for you by the way." 

She handed me a black envelope and placed her purse on the counter. 

It was addressed to me, but with no address on it. Just my name.

"What is it?" Cassidy asked, peering over my shoulder. "I don't know. I'm nervous though." I frowned.

"Don't be, the worst it could be is a bomb." She shrugged. I snorted, using my nail to tear through the glue on the back.

My heart sank to the floor when I read the inside.

Scarlett D'Angelo, you are hereby invited the wedding of
Sabrina Knightingale and Kai Morello.

Thursday 24th of October at 2 o'clock. 

The Ridges Hotel, New York, New York.

"Oh shit dude." Cassidy swore, "I'm sorry." 

I shrugged, throwing the invitation on the counter.

"I'm over it, I don't care anymore." I infact was no over it and I did care, but I didn't want it to bother me anymore.

Cassidy was sitting on the bar stool, staring at me. "You should care. You should so go to this wedding and be the hottest bitch there!" She said intensely, "And, it's a plus one, so you should bring me and we should totally own those whores!"

I laughed at her seriousness of the situation and shook my head, "Or we could watch their wedding on TV and drink ourselves into a coma." I said, sitting next to her.

It was nice talking to Cassidy. I've known her less then 24 hours and I already feel like I've made a friend. "That sounds like fun also, but I'm in the mood for some meddling. What do you think?" 

I was about to answer her when my phone rang.

I looked at the caller and rolled my eyes, seeing it was my father.

"What's Daddy D'Angelo doing calling you? Hasn't he moved to England or some shit." Cassidy said, scrunching up her nose. 

"Spain, and yeah. He's been calling me every day. But never this early."

I decided to pick up, see what he has to say.

I put my finger to my lips, silencing Cassidy as I pressed the speaker phone button.

"Father." I said flatly.

"Scarlett, finally. I have been trying to reach for you for a week now."

"Yeah I know, what's up. I'm busy?" I wanted this conversation to be over already. "I assume you've heard about the wedding on Thursday." 

I frowned, "What wedding?" I pretended.

"Don't play dumb, Scarlett. I know you've heard." He growled, "Then why'd you ask?" He was silent, "Can you just tell me what you wanted to tell me. I'm about to leave to go out somewhere." 

"Are you going to the wedding?" He asked me.

I frowned, "I don't want you too." He interrupted me. "You would be shunned away and banished by the high leaders. Especially Steven, he knows all about you and me and he hates us more than anyone." 

I rolled my eyes, "I'm not surprised. Everyone hates you because you're sneaky and never stay true to your word." 

My father chuckled, "Why should I trust the people I'm forming an alliance with? I said I wouldn't kill them, not that I would betray them." 

My father has made a lot of enemies in the past which unfortunately means I have, too. 

"Why don't you want me going?" 

"I've heard rumors that there's going to be some sort of shoot out. And I don't want you going for your safety." 

I was shocked to say the least. I looked to Cassidy who was wide-eyed and intrigued. I shrugged my shoulders, "Why do you care what happens to me? You never have before, so why now?" 

"We may see differently Scarlett but I'm still your father." 

Not a very good one. 

"What if I want to go?" 

Cassidy started jumping in her seat, smiling from ear to ear, "I will not visit your grave if you die, because I warned you." Here we go, same old cold-hearted Dad is back. 

I hung up the phone, blocking his number soon after.

I sighed, swivelling round to face Cassidy, "I guess we've got a wedding to crash." 

+ + + l̶͍̮̖͍̄̈́o̸̖͚̤̘̘̤̘̫̐v̸͕̿͋̚͝͝͠e̴̛̥͈͚̤̎̍͂̄̉̒͝͝ͅ + + +

Oh well... guess we're crashing a wedding guys!

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