chapter thirty five

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+ K A I   M O R E L L O +

"Casa Blanca?" Cassidy said.

"Casa fucking Blanca? Do you know that means?" She screamed, repeating the same sentence a few times. I grunted, moving away from her incessant blabbering.

I shook my head, praying to God for a miracle.

"White House, Kai. It means White House. Do you know how many white houses there are in Barcelona?" She asks, "A fuck tonne. Because it's fucking Barcelona!" She threw the papers everywhere.

"Alright!" I yelled, collecting the flying papers from the air and placing them back down on the desk. 

It was a bunch of old files I had collected from Manuel's study when I first figured out his ploy to kill me off. It wasn't a good ploy though, because he's rotting on the roof of a strip club and I'm here... alive.

"What do you expect me to do, Cass? I can't just go to every white house in Barcelona asking for a ginger girl with no bra, can I?" 

Seven was in one hour and twenty-two minutes. "Well you could google, couldn't you. That is a thing in Europe."

I glared at her, a thousand searches coming up for Casa Blanca in Barcelona. "There's got to be a hidden meaning behind it surely? I mean what kind of cryptic bitch calls up an abandoned train station just say Casa Blanca?" 

That's when it hit me. The light-bulb of all light-bulbs. "Cassidy you're a freaking genius and if I weren't in love with Scarlett I would kiss you right now." I rushed our excitedly, flipping the lid of my laptop open and sitting down.

"What did you just say?" She asked me. I looked at her, "Don't let that go to your head." I smirked. I felt a smack on the back of my head, "Ow." I yelled, "Prick. I meant about Scarlett, God, you egotistical fuck." She rolled her eyes and I thought back to what I said. 

"I said I'm in love with her." I shrugged, my voice smaller than it was.

Cassidy's grin grew a million times before she clapped her hands, "Okay now we definitely have to find her." 

+ + + l̶͍̮̖͍̄̈́o̸̖͚̤̘̘̤̘̫̐v̸͕̿͋̚͝͝͠e̴̛̥͈͚̤̎̍͂̄̉̒͝͝ͅ + + +

Onwards, we marched toward the horizon.

We figured out Casa Blanca is a white light-house on the bay facing the shoreline between Barcelona and Costa Brava.

"Good thing you passed geography the otherwise we would be fucked right now." Cassidy joked. I knew not to take her too seriously when she was under pressurised situations, because she gets scared and starts making jokes.

The light-house light was going and the street lights had come on. The sun was setting but we still had a little bit of natural light before we were in darkness.

"You guys know the signal, wait for me if I need backup. Under no circumstances will I need you unless I call the signal, understood?" 

My men nodded. 

I didn't turn back as I made my way up to the light house, a restaurant on the beach live with people and music.

It would be a shame if this was a public thing, I hate having to do public cover-ups.

The inside of the light-house was cold and eerie. It smelt like mould and sea-water and the walls were covered in barnacles, the paint peeling. 

I had to block my nose, climbing the never-ending steps.

I finally reached the top and to my surprise, it was empty.

Until I heard footsteps coming up behind me. "You bought your men." The familiar voice said. I turned around, a very alive looking Sabrina said.

Liar, Liar, Liar | 18+Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora